
(Grace) #1
department [di(pA:tmEnt] Abteilung
incoming [(In)kVmIN] eingehend, Eingangs-
lab coat [(lÄb kEUt] Laborkittel
outgoing [(aUt)gEUIN] ausgehend, Ausgangs-
prohibited [prEU(hIbItId] verboten
protective shoe [prE)tektIv (Su:] Sicherheitsschuh
shipment [(SIpmEnt] Lieferung, Sendung
show sb. around (a place) [)SEU E(raUnd] jmdn. (an einem Ort) herumführen
supply chain [sE(plaI tSeIn] Lieferkette

46 2/2014

Strategies for a visit
Many people have to show visitors
aroundtheir place of work. There are
some simple strategies you can use to
do this well. First, read the dialogue be-
low and think about the answers to
these questions:
nHow does Pia begin her tour?
nWhy doesn’t Pia name all of her col-
leagues when talking about the tasks
done in each area of her workplace?
nHow does Pia actively involve her vis-
itor, Sam, in the tour?

Sie möchten einem Geschäftsbesucher Ihren Betrieb zeigen? Kein Problem, wenn
Sie die Dinge verständlich erklären und ihn aktiv daran teilhaben lassen. Folgen Sie
MIKEHOGAN, der Sie auf Ihrem Rundgang sprachlich begleitet.

Pia:Hello, Sam. It’s great to have you
here with us. For the next 30 min-
utes, I’ll be showing you around our
department, the main factory area
and also the logistics centre.
Sam:Thanks, Pia. That sounds perfect.
Pia:OK, so this is our supply-chainde-
partment, where we coordinate the
incomingdeliveries of parts and the
outgoingshipmentsof our products.
That’s Peter over there. He takes
care of the incoming deliveries. Su-

san, next to him, organizes the out-
going shipments.
Sam:That’s interesting, because in our
company, the same people do both
those jobs.
Pia:Now, let’s go into the factory area,
Sam. You need to put on these pro-
tective shoes, and we all have to wear
lab coats. Smoking is also prohibited,
and you mustn’t go outside these yel-
low lines.
Sam:Of course...


Showing visitors around



Welcome! Prepare
for your visitors

Tip:Remember that your visitor is
probably hearing this information
for the first time. It might be famil-
iar to you, but not to them. So, try to
keep things simple.

46-47 Easy English 2_14 14.01.14 13:48 Seite 46

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