
(Grace) #1
50 2/2014


Key vocabulary

Zum Start unserer neuen Rubrik präsentiert
ANNA HOCHSIEDEReinen Überblick über die
wichtigsten Begriffe. easy


access[(Äkses] To “access” your email(s) means to open your email program (or email abrufen
account) so that you can read, write and organize messages.
attachment A computer file, such as a text or a photograph, that you send with an Anhang
[E(tÄtSmEnt] email. This is often symbolized by a paper clip.
body[(bQdi] The main part of an email. Hauptteil, Textkörper
bounce[baUns] If an email “bounces (back)”, it does not reach the person you sent it (wegen einer Fehlermeldung)
to and is returned to you. zurückkommen
delete [di(li:t] To remove an email from a computer. löschen
draft[drA:ft] An unfinished text that you have saved in order to send it later. Entwurf
email account The system that allows you to send and receive emails. E-Mail-
[(i:meI&l E)kaUnt] Konto
file[faI&l] A piece of data stored on a computer under a particular name. Datei
folder[(fEUldE] A virtual container in which filesare stored on a computer. Ordner
forward [(fO:wEd] To send on an email you have received to someone else. weiterleiten
header[(hedE] Information at the top of an email that tells you who it is from, Kopfdaten,
when it was sent, who it was sent to and what the email is about. Vorspann
inbox[(InbQks] The folderwhere newly arrived emails appear. Posteingang
junk mail Unwanted emails (usually advertisingmaterial) that you receive; unerwünschte (Werbe-)E-Mail
[(dZVNk meI&l] also known as “spam”.
out-of-office reply A message that you receive automatically when you have sent an Abwesenheitsmitteilung
[)aUt Ev (QfIs ri)plaI] email to someone who is currently not in the office.
signature block A small text fileconsisting of the sender’s contact details that can Signatur
[(sIgnEtSE blQk] be added automatically to the end of an email.
subject line The line in which you state what your email is about. Betreffzeile
[(sVbdZekt laIn]
trash[trÄS]US Emails that you delete are automatically moved to the “trash folder”, Papierkorb
often symbolized by a trash can.

advertising [(ÄdvEtaIzIN] Werbe-
paper clip [(peIpE klIp] Büroklammer
trash can [(trÄS kÄn]US Abfalleimer

Email: the most
important terms

Anna Hochsieder is a Munich-based
teacher of English who writes regu-
larly in Business Spotlight. Contact:
[email protected]

This is used both as a
countable noun (“I’ll
send you an email”; “I
received 50 emails to-
day”) and an uncount-
able noun (“I check
my email twice a
day”). It is also used
as a verb: “I’ll email
you later.”

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50 Emails 2_14 16.01.14 15:45 Seite 50

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