
(Grace) #1
blind: go ~ [blaInd] erblinden
cure [kjUE] Heilmittel
magic spectacles Zauberbrille
[)mÄdZIk (spektEk&lz]
rubbish collector Müllmann/-frau
[(rVbIS kE)lektE] UK
steel-rimmed mit Stahl einge-
[)sti:&l (rImd] fasst; hier: mit
einem Stahlgestell
yacht [jQt] [wg. Aussprache]

56 2/2014

Visual advantage: special
spectacles offer a clear view


here once was a businessman —
let’s call him Thomas — and a very
successful businessman he was,
too. He had lots of money in the bank
and he was always surrounded by beau-
tiful people. A Rolls-Royce stood in his
garage and, in St Tropez, his yachtwas
always ready and waiting. Naturally, he
had many charming companions to
help him pass the time.
But one day, something awful hap-
pened — he went blind. He consulted
all the best doctors. They put their
heads together and tried everything
they could think of, but none of them
could find a cure.
Thomas then announced that he
would give a huge amount of money to

Es war einmal ein Geschäftsmann. Der hatte Erfolg und lebte in der Welt der
Reichen und Schönen. Bis eines Tages ein großes Unglück geschah, das ihm
völlig neue Perspektiven eröffnete. Von JAMESSCHOFIELD

anyone who could help him see again.
But, if the cure failed, the person would
have to admit this on the internet and
become a rubbish collector.
Many people offered their services
and Thomas tried the strangest things,
but nothing helped. The town that
Thomas lived in became extremely
clean, but unfortunately, he was not
able to enjoy it. One day, however, a lit-
tle old man with a long beard came to
try his luck.
“I have magic spectaclesof steel, sil-
ver and gold. But only I can put them
on and take them off my customers,”
he said. “The steel ones will let you see
what everybody thinks of you. Would
you like that?”

“But of course,” said Thomas.
“Everybody thinks I’m wonderful!”
“As you wish!” said the little old
man, and he put a pair of steel-rimmed
spectacles on Thomas’s nose.
At first, nothing happened and
Thomas thought there would be anoth-
er rubbish collector in town. But the
next morning, Thomas woke up, and to

Ingram Publishing

New perspectives



56-57 ShortstoryB 2_14 14.01.14 13:50 Seite 56

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