
(Chris Devlin) #1


Englische Muttersprachler sind sich oft gar nicht bewusst. wie viele idiomatische Redewen-
dungen sie in der täglichen Geschäftssprache benutzen. C AROl SCHEUNEMANN präsentiert Ihnen
typische Firmendialoge als Test, wie Sie mit diesen ~Idioms~ zurechtkommen.

  1. Team players

    1. Bursting with pride "@.!JH
      Anthony Withers, the produet manae:er, wants 10 inlroduee the project. He's enthusiastic and his
      presentation is filled with action idioms. Find the eorrect verb for each sentence.

break • generate • jump • knock • plug • rake • strike

Thank you for being here today. I had to a) ___ together this presentation, so please

exeuse any mistakes. 1'11 be Ihe firslto b) the news. Studies have shown that the
pereentage of left-handed people is increasing worldwide, so we're going to produee tools
for left·handers!
Dur marketing eampaign to c) ___ the products begins on International Left-Handers'

Day, on 13 August. I believe this new fine will d) ___ a 101 of buu quiekly. We have
to e) ___ while the iron is hot. I don't want to f) ___ to eonelusions, but I have

the feelmg we're going to make a lot of money: we'lI be able to g) ___ it in.

M'Iij 1111 '1 1
11 '$ time to ehoose the projeetteam, Anthony and Karen GreenwOOd, head of marketing, are discussing Ihe possibilities. Choose
the definitions that best match these idioms to describe people,

a) What about Nadine? She's quite an eager beaver,

  1. enthusiastic worker
    2, experienced employee

  2. organized person

b) True. But she somet imes gets overexciled - I'd say
she's a real live wire.

  1. TV sta r
    2, loud talker

  2. energetic person

e) We'lI also need a number cruncher.

  1. someone who's good with f igures

  2. someone who destroys company information

  3. someone you can depend on

12 BusinessSpotlighI

d) Sam's my first choice, but he's a real night owl.

  1. someone who's often late

  2. someone who's very quiet

  3. someone who works best in Ihe evenings

e) Finally, whieh of us gets 10 be top dog on t his projeet?

  1. leader

  2. art director

  3. media contacl

f ) 1I has 10 be you, Karen. Vou're the only south paw in
the group!

  1. qualified person

  2. left-handed person

  3. person !rom Australia

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