3. No trouble at all FtiiflÜH
The team is talkinl about who will do whieh jobs. Some idioms that sound nelative mean, in laet, s omething posi·
live. Choose the statement that fils eaeh idiom.
All messecl up?
Make lure you are
ullng the correet
phrasal verb
. )
d )
Nothing to il. D
No strings altached. D
That doesn't ring a bell. D
Don't let it get you down. D
No hard feelings. D
You don't say! D
No sooner said than done. D
- 1'11 complete that lask quickly.
- I find that hard 10 believe.
- Thai mistake/problem needn'l worry you.
- These terms are unconditional.
- The name/situation is unfamiliar 10 me.
- Thai is/was really easy.
- I'm not angry.
- A IiHle messed up MiBM
Karen has wriUen a memo 10 l ive everyone a projee! update. She uses
many phrasal verbs wilh "up". Unseramble !he letten in braekets.
To: All "lefty·Me" projee! memben
From: Karen Greenwood
As you know, our lools for left·handers are leaving !he design
phase. UnfortunateJy, our supplier a) ____ (wesderc) up the
prototypes, so nowwe're behind schedule (Zeitplan). We really must
b) ____ (kaem) up the time this week. Most of ycu have
el (nsokep) up about the area you'd like to manage.
Let me know if you have to d ) ____ (liski) up for any new
tasks. Please e) ____ (hesae) up any missing documents.
We'lI have to f) (kiep) up the pace significantly.
- Dver my dead body! m,Ii"",
Sam Johnson, i n the budlet-plannln; eommiuee, and Karen are talkinl about a new team member. They use lots of
idioms with body parts. Choose Ihe eonect words 10 complete !he senlenees.
How will we ever train Harry? He's still a) wet behind the ears I feet I fingers, if you ask me.
I've heard he's clever. He'lI have to learn to bl think on his back' hands , feet really quickly, though,
and to el keep an open mouth , mind I nase.
We could ask Martha 10 mentor hirn. She's d) an old hand I hair I moulh.
Still, we'lI have 10 e) keep a{n) nase I eye I knee on hirn. Don'l give hirn more Ihan just a few tasks, or
he'lI f ) be in over his head I neck I ears.
Good idea. Oh, here he comes!
Weil, g) keep your eyes I f ingers Ilegs crossed.