
(Chris Devlin) #1

  1. lime to get moving ,md IM I
    Karen sends an email 10 warn the leam members
    of an Inereasina: workload. Choose the correet
    idioms about time below 10 replace the words in
    bold. Put the appropriate numbers in the boxes.

Hi aH
I'm afraid that we have had problems
al frOll the prejeet' l begil1Ding. 0
But this is now b ) the eritieal
phase, where action ia l1eeded. 0

  1. What goes around, comes around ' "M 1111,,'
    The team measures ils progress durinl a meeting - bul not wilh-
    out some clear differenees of opinion. Fitl in Ihe blanks wilh the
    conecl form of Ihe verb "eome" or "10".

Sam; That was jusl possibly the WQf5t presentation I have ever
seen allhis company!
Harry; What?

Sam; Oh, a) ____ on, Harry. II looks like YOu down loaded
it from " How stuff works".
Harry; Have you b) ____ nuts? I slayed up half the night
working on Ihis.
Sam: Right. 1'11 bel Wikipedia c) ____ in handy, 100.

Karen: Look, Sam, d) ____ easy on him, will you? We're
under a lot of pressure here. So I need you both 10
e) 10 your senses before Ihe two of you
f) 10 blows! Now, Harry, will you please
g) ____ ahead wilh your summary.

Harry; h) How? Sam has made it elear that he
knows more than I de. Let hirn il up with

The deloy. will eeAn w.' 11 be wo,'- Treiben Sie Ihre Karriere voran:
ing c l ullder extreme prellure to
finish eur tll.lka. 0
l've asked the produetion manager to
introduee a production plan that
will work d ) 24 hOIlCi a day. 0
There will also be produetion at the
weekends al for the moment. []
This way, we still mlght just f l fin-
iab abead ef lehedule.
g ) TakiDg everythil1q into CODsider-
ation, I am confident that I can de-
pend on you aH.

L against the clock
2, around the clock
3 , al the end of Ihe day
4, beat the clock
5, erunch time
6, for the time being
7 , from day one




ein Maximum an Fortschritten
innerhalb kürzester Zeit

~ E·S·L
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