
(Chris Devlin) #1



~. t he ball, m • • ,
buslnen Idioms
come from sport

  1. When all is said and done

B. Be a good sport b@"liH
Anthony sends an email 10 molivale Ihe leam for Ihe big day.
He uses lots of sports idioms. Choose Ihe correct word trom the
box to complete the senlences.

ball _ base _ game _ league _ punch
_ stretch _ wire

s) You'll be happy to hear that we're on the ha.e
of the project.

b) Our launch i8 90in9 to be on Thursday, so we'll
be under the for Left-Handers' Day.
Cl I know many of you feared that we'd dropped the
__ already at the prototype phase.

d ) But we're still in the

Our products are

e) This launch means we have besten our competi-
tors to the

f) We're plsying in the big now.

g) I think we should touch again on Wednel-
day morninq before the event.

Karen wants 10 congratulate Ihe leam belore the launch. Choose the correct meanings of Ihe idioms, which
all use the word uand".

a) Dear colleagues, 1'11 keep this announcement short and sweet: we're now ready 10 launch the "Lefty-
Me" product line!

  1. loud 2, cheerful 3. t o t he pomt

b) Our homepage is up and running, too.

  1. finished 2. with Flash animations 3. m development

c) We'lI send a newsletter to the movers and shakers of Ihe induslry.

  1. builders 2. leaders 3, start·ups

d) Sales al DIY stores (BaumJrkte) are the nuts and bolls of our business.

  1. unimportant areas 2, main emphasis 3, new customers

e) I know everyone worked above and beyond the call of duty.

  1. as requested 2. trom home 3. more than expected

f) Just a few odds and ends, and we're finished!

  1. difficult parts 2. minor things 3. essential steps

Thank you. I raise my glass to you all!

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