The Observer
t is possible ... ro a pplaud the smooth transitio n ro
Britain's first coalition government since the Second
World War, while regretting that it is led by David
Cameron. The appojntment of [NickI C legg as
Cameron's ~ is meant to signal that the Lib Dem
acenda will bc pursued in dose conced with the Tory
one ....
To judge by (he IfIDl.S. of (he eoalition agreement, [he
Lib Dems already have a plausible claim ro be cxcrrjng
a positive eHeet. Many of their sensible tax proposals
have ~ silly ones that were in th e Tory manifesro.
Gone are (he inherjtance-ta x ~ for millionaires ....
The commitment to cjvjl libertjes exprcssed in the
eoalitio n agreement represents rhe best of bO(h partics'
pre-cieetion p[arfor!]1s ....
What is the price of these achievemcnrs? T he Lib
Dems have aCQuiesced ro (he Tories' immigration quo-
ta systcm, although they rig htly dedared it unworkable
in rhc campa ign. ... Bur most worrying is (he Lib Dems'
Cltce le rate sth. [;)k'scJ~rclll etw. beschleunigen
Cltquies.c::e 10 sth. [,lekwi'es lu)---~"~ine Einwilligung zu etw.
- -g~
agenda [;)'d3cnda] _ Programm" _
appointment aUilun [3',.,:IIJ 13j:'p~,~m=,m=,="=,'=- ---Ernennung AngTiff
austerity [:l:'slc(:Jtil Entbehrung; hier: Syarpolitlk
bCItk sb.""(brekJ unterslüllen
break, lax ~ (b rclk)
tilOb:11 '~'";;:;;:;;;~
ciYilliberties [,SI"'>! 'h~izl
concm: in close ~ ['kons3t]
cOl1splcuOU5 [bn'splkju;)sJ
deputy ['dcpjulil - -
acceptance of the Tories'
gll for a "significantly tu;:
celerated" round of bud-
get cuts ....
Many of (hose same
voters who feared the so-
cial consequences of a
Tory.a.w:t.l.l..lr on public ser-
vices ha..dcl the Lib Dems
insrcad .... That choice
can only be juqifjed by
the cOllspjcuous achieve-
ment in office of (he goals
(he Lib Dems espoysed in
(h e campaign: a fairer
In a musical sense, if you
see someone "in concert",
you see that person per-
form mg music live - usu-
ally at a concert. The Ob-
server uses the expression
"in dose concert" in a dif-
ferent, more formal, sense.
Here, it means "together"
or ".w.in.t!y:". The news paper
is suggesting that Ctegg's
appointment is meant to
show that the two parties
will work together on poli-
eies - and harmoniously.
econOI11)' and a reformed political syStem.
h is now profoundly in Mr Clegg's politieal inrcresfs
to be seen to defend those m os t vylnera ble ro the coo1-
ing ausrerjIv. Ir is also his moral and democratic duty.
espoU5e sth. 11'~pauz)
exert 5th. Ilg'u:! J
inherilance [m'hcrl!;)n)
Ioi"nll~ l'd3Jlntlil
justity sth. l'd3"Sl1fall
Lib Dem (Liberal Oemocrat) I,Ilb 'de ml
oust sth. [austl
platform ['phctf~:ml
profoundly (p r;)'faundJil
pursue 5th. IP3'Sju:
term5 [!:s:mz)
unworkable [1\O'w:d:;)b>1I
vulnerable: be ~ to sth.
/Or etw. e intreten
elw. a~~"~b<~"~~===
etw. rechtfertigen
etw. verdrangen
hier, Parteiprogramm
zuliefst -
etw. (welter)verfolger-.
undurChlilhrbar, nicht
etw. schutzlos ausgesetzt-