Gardening leave
Siow steaming Goodchild had accepted an offer to move from
UBS to Couns, and because the two banks are in direct
competition he was, as he expected to be, put straight
on to gardenlng leave ....•
. ... Today more than 220 vessels are practicing
slow steaming - cruising al 20 knots on open wateT
inslead of the standard 24 or 25 - or, like Maersk's
vessels, 'super-slow steaming' ( 12 knols)."
The NeIN rork Timcs
The Guardian
A ship that goes "full steam ahead " (I/olle Kraft UürallS)
sails ar top speed. The term "stea m " comes from the
days of sreamships (Dampfschiffe). "Slow srea ming"-
that is, sailing ar speed s much sla wer chan normal TO
save fuel , b ur a lso because o f red uced demand - has
become sta nda rd prac rice fo r container liners (Colltaj·
nerlinie ,zschi{fe). On Same lo ng-haul ra utes (Lang-
streck en), ships pracrise "extra-slow srearning" ar 1 7-'19
knots, or "super-slow steaming" a r 12 - 16 knots.
In the UK, "gardening lea ve" is an en forccd period o f
fuHy p ai d leavc ( Be u rlallbllng mit voller Lohn -
fort zahllfng) givcn 10 sta ff who m ay t h rcaten a fir m
by di stribu ting se nsi tive informa tion (vertrauliche Fir-
m eninformatio n en ). Ouring [his period, a confjden -
ria liry a greement (Geheimhaltllngsverein banmg) ap-
piles, and rhe emp loyee is fo r bidden access to th e firm
o r its cl ients. Gardening leave is ofren g iven to ma n-
agers during a notice period
(Kündigllngsfrist), or to th ose
who've had bad public it y.
hiS ad fOf the software fi rm SAP implies (andeuten) that both SAP and a potential buy-
er (Kaufinteressent(in)) ar e part of a "new" world representing the latest developments.
One usually talks about seeing ta r into the future. Here. the ad says you also need to "see"
the present clearly. Its message is: "Our software, which represents the latest in software
development, will help you see dearly what is happening in your company right now, and
so help you plan weil for the future." The ad is a play on the song title "On a Clear Day Vou
Can See Forever" - from the musical of the same name.
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