- It's hard for engineers to
deal with emotions at work.
Emotions aren't logical"
Let's face it, lots of us wem into enginee ring because
we'rc mOTe comfortable with things than pcople. Jf our
favourite thing ta da was TO sir around ralking about
people's feelings, we'd have bccome psychologists, not
p rogrammcrs .... It's ha rd for engincers ro deal with
emotions in a work scujoe_ Emotions aren'r logical.
They can' t be planned, schedulcd, p rcdicred o r .d.t:
~. YOll can't go and buy a feferente manual Of
look them up on a websitc."
affiliation 1~,rlli'el~I'~"~I="c ___ ~,~"~gehOrilke~",==",,-,,_
tontract lawyer J'tonlr;rkl ,b:j:J] Fachanwaltl-anw1iltin tOr
contradicWfy l~r;)'dlkt;N"il widersprOcllhch
tore cornpeteoc),.['b: ,komplt;msil Kernkompetenz
corporale ldentity [.b:P:;Jf:;J[ al'dcnl;niJ Unlernehmensidentitat
toortes,l'b:l;,sil HOllichkeit
debug sth. [,di:'b"!l1 Fehler beI elw. beseitigen
dress sense ['dres sens] guter Geschmack in Klei.
II!ngineer [~3~~~;;;; 1 'm;'1 ;;:::=====d~"~"~,,~'~raIngenieur(inb gen\-;. ;;;:.;::=-
II!n&ineering [,cnd31'mMIIJ1 hier, die technisctle
11 Perso-
In his book on the banking cultures of the world (see
" For more information"), banking professor Leo Schus-
ter stresses thc compl ex jmerplay betwccn general cul-
tural factors and what hc calls "ba nk-spccific" factors
w h en trying to definc the culture of bank manage-
ment. Some facrors hclp to c reare an intern ational cu 1-
ture; these include international bank and Jmm agree-
ments, interbank business and international cusromer
groups. On rhe ather hand, same factors make bank-
ing cultu re vary accarding ro wh ich country the banks
are in. The corpocate identity of Islamic banks comes
from the Sharia , the law that is based on the Koran
and p rohjbj ts the charging of intere$[. The Japanese
banking e nvironment stresses relationship manage-
ment wirh s pecial a spects such as group affiliation.
LOA (Limits of Authority) LeI;xJ 'c il Rahmen der BetugmS5e
loan participatlon [I;xJn] [pa:,tlsl'peIJ--'-n] --Teilnahme Darlll!h~"~~~~=:
preditl sth. ]pri'dlktj etw. ~rognostizieren
professional journal FachzeitSChrift
Ipr.I,fcfon~1 prohibit sth.lpr;!ll'hlb'd3~'~'"~"~1 ~;;;ll ] ;:;;;;;;;=~etw. @ verblll!len ~~:k;;;;;;-
recruitinl process Iri'kru:t.O ,pr;xJSC5] PersonalemsteIlungsver.
reference minual !'rcf' r;,ns ,mlCnju;'II,_--;:B.~"~""C";;;h~,"C,d;;;bC","h;----
reinforte 51h. [,ri:m'fJ:s] etw. untermauern
sale$ !scI-lz] hier: die Verkaufsabteilung,
===~, salespeople l'se r.lz,-;;;;;C"";ocpi:Jl>I] -----ider hier: Außendienstmitarbei' Vertrieb====~
~~L;;;~;:~---:te~innen),,~=etw. lettlich festlegen o--
_ fah[gkeilen
straiijatkel [ '~trclt,d.)reklt] zwangs1atkpiiii;;::==-
stress tense liens] sth. [~'~'~~I~~~~~~ ____ ~.lw""angespannt. hefvorheben
withhold sth. Iwu',ll::>uldl -----i sich mit etw. wrOckhalten
work setting r'w~:k ,se1 1 1J1 Arbeitss ituation
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