
(Chris Devlin) #1


Case study



he sort of situation described on page 28, where a cus-
tomer wjthdraws trom adeal, is not uncommon when
complex projects involve differenl professional tunctions.
It can be even more difficult if those concerned are ~
in different countries and have riWe chance to meet !Ke..:.
12:..fat..e. The problem is that the different groups have dif-
ferent aims and interests; while wants to get as much
business as possible, Engineerjng is concerned about qual-
ity, and the lawyers about the legal aspects of providing
something that was not menlioned in the contract. At the
same time, tiR has its own concerns aboul recruitment.
There is no easy solution to the problem. A starting point
must be for the various stake holders to understand the
perspectives of their colfeagues. Clearly, they need to com-
municate much more. The manager needs 10 make sure
that ~ are clear and that everyone shares them; tor
example, the safes manager must be given an jncenliye
not only 10 get the business bul to make sure thai what he
has sold can be delivered. Above all, everyone involved has
to communicale consjstent messages to the cuslomer.
Allhough it is often hard to determine whal is a result of
professional. rather than national or organizationa(' as-
pects, it is important 10 be aware of professional cultural
differences. As the workplace moves trom manual labour
10 knowledge sharing, networkjog and cOllaboratjve learn-
ing, people from diverse professions need 10 work logether
effec!ively. To do that, they need to understand their col-
leagues from other fields. Some companies are putling this
concept into action in the form of diversity programmes:
encouraging staff to move between functions 10 avoid cre-
ating a silo menlality. Just as awareness of national cul-
tural contrasts can be increased by working in another
country, so can sensitjyjty to professional cultural differ-
ences be developed by contact with different occupations.

abbot 1'a:b:u I
accountant [:I'kaunI:mtJ'c, __ _
appreciate 5th. J:I'pri:Jielt1
bastei: be - [be1st) , ___ _
collabofative IkJ'Ia::b:lr.ltlv)
consistent Jbn'sls""e,,' LI __ _
dense Idensl ...
engineering l,cnd31'nIJrloJ
face-to-tace [.fel5 tJ 'fe151
feature ]'(i:IJ:l1
HR (,. human resoun:es) [,eIlJ 'o:)
incentive !m'scnllv1 -
Input l'mput1
(,lnl;:Kh'pcnd;ms J ___ _
invaluable [ln'v""ljuJb>I)
manual laOOm I,mren;"iW1 'leibai
monastery l'monJsl:lrij
networking ['netw:s:kuJJ

30 BusinessSpot1ighI

Abt Buchhaller(in~~;;;;) =_
elw. zu sch.!tzen wissen
semen Sitz ha"1!;"',''"-----
dicht ~~;;:==-
hier: die technische
Personalabteilung, -wesen
AnreiZ -
gegenseitige Abhllngigkeit
unschatzbar wertvoll
manuelle Ar,"',,"c.-__
Konlaklaufbau und -pflege

or pt8Ctlce:
dlfference s

(Keiretm) and a ~ ne twork o f personal interde-
pendence. Promotion is still based on seniority and
nOt just on performance. Alt these facrors influence
rhe attitudes, values, bc licfs and behaviour of bankers.

In her book on mcdicine and culrure (see " Fo r mo re in-
formation"), Lynn Payer shows how imponant national
differences a re in undersranding the cu[ture of doctors.
A[though there are so me universal features, there are
also man}' differences. Payer wrires that rhe training of
Brirish docrors is more pracrical aod based on experi-

out-of·the-OOx (,aut ;w 00 'boks1 unkonventionell. mcht
dem Oblichen Schema ent-

particl~promotion t fpr:l'm;:KJJ[pIl'~"i"~'P~'~'~'n1 ";==~_~Tei,nehmer(~,~,BefOrderung ~~==
Quote sb. Ikw;:KJt] 'jmdn. zitieren
recruitment Iri'kru:imJnll Personalbeschaffung,
wies Iscl'lz]

  • emstellun~,;;;::",,:;o;:;;c::­
    hier: die Verkaufsabteilung,
    der Vertneb

senior sensitivity seniority consuI.s[~'i:ni,sensaU~·"o~ti] ~I~'llvali] .'~i:~';~';k~"~'~":"~'~" ,1_ --Femgefuhl Dienstalter '~'~'''~'~'''~i''~''';';'~'''~;;'';;;
silo mentality ['SlIllau men,lId .. ti] MSllo-Mentali~t~ (alle Infor·

stakeholders ['stelk,h;:KJldJz)
tatension rltt ['ta:gI11~['icnJ'n] ;;;;;:;:
withdraw from sth. !wrö'dr,: (mm)

mationen fließen nur hierar-
chisch von oben nach untent
von etw. zurOcktreten

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