
(Chris Devlin) #1
ence than that of th eir colleagues on the Continent. She
contrasts Sritain, as the land of the philosophers Locke
and H ume, for example, who believed rhar all knowl·
edge comes fro m experience, with Fra nce, where
philosophers lik e Descan es believed in th eory and
thought. She ~ a French doctQr who sa id: "Eng-
lish doctors are th e accounta nts of th e medical world."

To encourage people to exchange ideas with others
from different professions and work enviro nments,
think abom inviring a n "our-of-the-box" speaker tO
rour next business conferenee or employcc meeting. For
example, ar one IT conferenee I arrended, the guest
speaker was an ahh2I who was in c ha rge of a
Illo nastery. Thc conference parr jcipants, all involved in
projecr managemen(, found his talk extremcly stimular-
mg. They agreed rhat, alrhough they were working in a
"e ry different e nvironment, they eould learn a great deal
from his experienccs in areas such as erearing a eommon
\'Ision, motivating staff as weil as managing limited re-
so mees.
A Norwegian army offiec r who had been active in
Kosovo provided inyaluable i.nrul1 ro a conference on
mtereultural eommunieation. The officer had led an in-
ternational force in an area wirh eomplex ethnie lfIl::
illlllS.. Here, amisrake meant thar people would die.
His views were a pprecjared by rhe eonference delegares,
most of whom were working in intereulrural t raining
for business. III

For more information

  • Banking Cultu~s 0' the Wot/d. ed. Leo Schuster, Fritz Knapp
    Verlag, ISBN 978 -3 - 781 9-0580-1, (99 (out of prin!).

  • Medicine & Cultufe, Lynn Payer, Henry Holt and Company,
    IS8N 9 78-0-8050-4 803 -2, €12.99.

  • Cu/ture s and Organizations: Software 0' the Mi nd. Geert
    Hofs tede, Gert Jan Hoistede, Michael Mlnkov, McGraw-Hill,
    ISBN 978-0-0 7 - 166 418-9, (22.99.

  • ~Understanding professional culture in organizational con-
    lext'·, Geoffrey 8100r, Patrick Dawson, Organization Studies,
    Sprmg 1994, Gale Group

  • Video: Culture Clash - Engineering v. Marketing, YouTube:

  • Ned Batchelder's blog, ~Engineers are peopleft:

Q Listen to more on this topic on Business Spotlight Audio
r..:J You'lI find re lated exercises in Business Spotlight plus
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.. '2010

ROBERT GIBSON is a sentor cpnsultanl lor irllercul·
tu ra l business competence at Sieme ns AG in Munlch
( and the aut hor pf Intercu/tural
Business Communication (Corne lsen, IS BN 3-8109-
3123-3, €13. 95). Contacl: [email protected]

.... ~._----~
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