
(Chris Devlin) #1
KELLMANN: Exacrly. ] rhink sports psychologists have
to become a natural and neutral part of rhe training
envjronment. h 's rcally imponant [hat athletes should
integrare psychologieal methods into rheir skill set.
Fonunatcly. German football teams are now also start-
ing ro inrroduce sportS psycho logy fo r dcvclQpmemal-
k.rrl players, who then gradually work themselves up
tO the top level. So me of your clients have been foot-
ball players, roo, haven't they?

THOMPSON: Weil, yes. For example, I've worked with
several football strikees over the years. They some-
cimes lose confidcnce and then play very cautiously.
They're frightencd of nOt scorinc a ~oal, so they don't
even rr y. But failing to score just reinforces that fail-
ure. lt's really exciting to help them turn around their
Ihinking. Among othcr things, I get t hem to watch a
video on David Beckham and see how many sho ts on
goal he has, and how many times he a ctually misses.
He misses much mo re than he scores. To a ccrtain ex-
lent, every player needs to become a failure spccialist.

KELlMANN: That's an intcrcsring way to look a r ir. I've
heard you're quite asportsman yoursclf .lnd havc bern
compeling j n trialhlons for 15 years. Docs rhar help
\ou in your work?

~ssess 5th. [,,'scsl
tautlously ['kJ:f;)Slil
chmpionstlTPl·tJremp.i;mJ I p)
coach [k.)lltJ]

etw. beurteilen
~orSlchtig. zurO",k"h~,'It~'"O,,­
compete in: - triathlons an Triathlons teilnehmen
l;m'l'pi:t m)\cc== _
counseliOf [·kauns>l.l] BeraterhnJ. Ralgeber{in)
developmental level: pl~yers on tht - Splelernactlwuchs. eier gezielt
loh \cl3p·mcn\>I.lcvol) gefordert wird
~hance Stii:llIi''iiO:iis] --~etw. fordern
~vironment [m'val>r.JnmJnt1 Umfeld. Umgebung
uerciheatstroke se ['c ks"sall[ ['hi:tstr;>ok[ __ ~SporHitzschlag t. kör;~"~"~h'~B'~W~"~",~'~
Injury ['lnd3;>riJ Verletzung
.,tensi'tl! eilre: be in _ [m,tensIV 'ke3] auf der Intensivstation sein
Wl lull'~b tt'$t[ Laborunleßuchung
ledure on sth. ['lektJ3r on] Vorlesung(enj Ober ~halten
kMd ones ['IAvd wAnz[ Angehörige. nahe stehende

.rqke iI big difference
melk J ,bIQ'dlfr3ns]
a ndset ['mamdsct]
H1tional Health SeNice
n;rJ>n31 I. ] UK

---+hiC;er: Viel (Positives) bewirken
___ ~"~entalitat~====~
staatliCher Gesundheitsdienst

oIf worlI: ~;'''L===3h~'' ~k,;.:nkgeschneben sein


  • etw. verstarken.,-:.-:.-:.::::::-__
    ein Tor schießen


::~;:,~,,"~"""c=~"~,"~~B~"",:~::c,,Lelstung(en) ,--------
ausreichend genesen
.nJJ ri' bvold] sein
taTtllator: be on a -['Vcnl!lCII" ,, --,;;,"'iein Beatmungsger3t ange·
schlossen sein

THOMPSON: Ycs, definitcly. I n 2006, after doing th e
]ro nman Switzerland championships, I collapsed with
bCaIstroke and dangerotlsly low levels of salts and
e lectrolytes. ] was in intensive care after my heart
failed and had tO be reslarted, and I was o n a ventila-
mr. When I woke up after three days, the doctors said
they were going tO take me off the ventilator and ho ped
I would be ablc to breathe again. I was off work for
four months and had to have regular heart and lah
I.W.S. for twO ycars. In that time, J learned a lot about
the psychology of recoyerjng from jnjuries and worry.

KELLMANN: That must have been quite a n cxperience.
Acrually, recovery is one of Ih e areas I focus on. In
facI, a colleague and I recenrly devcloped .l Question-
n..a.i.ß;, to ~ recovery and stress. We belteve that
athlctes don't givc themselves time to recover from in-
juries. Recovery is a lot more than just sirring in front
of a TV doi ng Ilothing. The a thlete has full res ponsi-
bility to make sure he recovers properly so that he can
pla y again. This is a message (hat needs to be given tO
coa c hes, a s weil a s to the players. Triathlon athletes
are often overtraincd and under-recoyered. They think:
" If I don't push myself, then I am negative."

THOMPSON:'s quite exciting. l ' m very interes red
in recovery. Maybe you could share some of your ideas
with me. Can I email you?

KELlMANN: Yes, please da. I can recommend a book
on rhe subjecr from 2002, EnhQl/ciufl Recovery: Pre-
venting Underperforlllance in Alh/eles. published by
H uman Kinetics. 1' 11 send you .l couple of links.

THOMPSON: G reat! Thanks a lor.

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