
(Chris Devlin) #1
Offieial name: Republie of Sout h Afriea
Nationality: South African
Capital eities: Pretoria (administrative) 1.1 million; ~
lmID (legislative) 2,4 million; Bloemfontein (judieiall 0.3 mil-
lion {2009~
Main eities 1 .Y.I.bID areas: Durban 2.1 million: Johannesburg
1.4 million: Port Elizabeth 0.7 million {2009 est.l
Languages: South Afriea has 11 official languages: IsiZulu
23.8%, IsiXhosa 17.6%, Afrikaans 13.3%, Sepedi 9.4%,
English 8.2%, Setswana 8.2%, Sesotho 7.9%, Xitsonga
4,4%, SiSwati 2,7%, Tshivenda 2.3%, IsiNdebele 1.6%.
English is the main language for government, offieial and
business life,
Country telephone code: +27
Internet domain: .za
Time zone: South Afriean Standard Time"" CET (Central Eu-
ropean Time) + 1 hour
Curreney: South African rand (ZAR): (1 = R9.97

Type of government: republie
Head of state and government: President Jacob Zuma (since
9 May 2009)
Offieial government website:

Economv (in US$)
G.Qf (at Durchasiog power par ity. PPP): $488.6 b.i.t!
(200 9 es!,)
GOP (PPP) per head: $10,000 (2009 es!.)
GOP real i!l!llW growth: -1.9% (2009 est.), down from 3.1 %
In 2008
Populat ion below poyerty level : 50% (2000 es!.)
Inflation: 7.2% (2009 es!.)
Unemployment: 24% (2009 est.)

Population: 49 million (2009 est.)
Population growth per year: 0.28% (2009 est.)

..:hieve sth. [;I'!Ji:v[ etw. erreichen

M1nuall'~njU::"~;-;. ~~=J~ah~'~liC~h:~~

~ I'Clpr.lnl Schürze
billion I' bllj:m[ Milliarde(nf
C.Kophony [k;l'kof:miJ Kakophonie, MissklanSc Town I'kclp laonl Kapstadt ----
t~ IIJ la l bejubeln, lautstark anfeuern
I;OKh I;OKhinl Ikal[' kautJII)] .nJI c;;===:- TrairllngsTralMer(lM) -

competition I,k1)fllp;l'uJ'1I] Konkurrenz, Wettbewerb

directed cIomtslic by thores Id;l'~'~'~Ida,mcsllk 'd~'~"'~'~l'IJ:I:Z] ~~ lllIushche unter der Regle ntlgkeltevon -,--
dozen N.\z·n] Dutzend
tlderly ['eldali] alter
e'it. (eSlimate) I'esumat! Schatzung
GOP (gross domestic pro<lud) BIP fBruttoinlandsprodukt)
,jJl: dl: 'pi:1
IJ'lIndchild ('Ql1l'ntJal'ldl Enkel

-" '2010

Age strueture:
0-14 years:
28,9%: 15- 64
years: 65.8%;
65 years and

  • _.
    over: 5.4% South Alrica -'.-
    (2009 es!.)
    People l iving
    with HIVlAids;
    5.7 million (2007 es!.)
    Main religions: lion Christjan (11.1 %), Pentecostall Charis-
    matic (8.2%), Catholic (7.1 %). Methodist (6.8%), Dulch
    Reformed (6.7%). Anglican (3.8%), Muslim (1.5%), other
    Christian (36%), other (2.3%) (2001 census)
    Et hnie groups: black African 79%, white 9.6%, coloured
    8.9%, Indian I Asian 2.5% (2001 census)


  • Under apartheid, soccer was the most papular sport
    among black people and rugby the most papular sport
    among whites. The lirst national soccer and rugby
    teams were formed after South Alriea became a
    democracy in 1994.

  • One of former presidenl Nelson Mandela's lirst moves
    10 unile the land was to encourage the national rug-
    by team, the Springboks, to win the 1995 Rugby
    World Cup. Many blacks associated the name "Spring-
    boks" with apartheid, yet Mandela insisted that the
    team keep ils name and cotours. They won the World
    Cup. an event that is now regarded as one of the
    greatest moments in the hislory of South Alrkan sport

  • and that helped to bring the country together. The
    story 01 this success is the subject 01 a major li Im
    directed by Clint Eastwood, called Invictus, which
    came out earlier this year.

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