
(Chris Devlin) #1
cause people a re iovolvcd, rhey
a re much more commined.»

TIps for managing paradoxes:

  • Know your organizarion. Whar
    a re rhe cemra! and local ~
    dü? Wh i ch poims a re d riven
    by business facwrs, and which
    by po!itical power strugg!es?

  • Identify and eogage key stake-
    ho lders a od opioion leade rs
    during rhe change processes.
    Build a srraregy for influenciog
    a nd persuadiog rhern.

  • SeUloca l benefits. Don't focus
    on the targets se t by headquar-
    ters when explaining the rea-
    sons for change.

  • Listen tO the feedback of !ocat
    business u nits w hen they resist
    change. This may be a sign
    that changes must be made to
    the cha nge process.

  • Deve[op your listening sk ills. Orherwise, you'll never
    persuade others or work throug h conflicts.

Paradoxes: test yourself
Match each of the effective listening behaviours below to
one of the example listening phrases. For the answers,
see page 42.

Effective listening behaviours

  1. Give positive feedback.

  2. Show others that you understand.

  3. Clarily the meaning of the words.

  4. Paraphrase.

  5. Ask people fQ( more information.

  6. Investigate people's motivation.

Example listening phrases
a) "U I understand you correctly. you're saying that. .. "
b) "So, when are you planning 10 ... "
c) "What do you mean by 'financial controls'?"
d)"~ what you mean."
el "Why da you think ... ?"
f) "That's interesting."

  1. Diversity
    As they t rave! the world, im ernationalleaders soon no-
    tice variations in business practices. Va[ues, such as o ri-
    emarion to time, seem to be d ifferem. eore-business
    coocepts, such as Jeadership itself, a re underswod dif-
    feremly. In fact , everything is open to question.
    Responses from international leaders tO djycrsjty
    \'ary significamly. Some ~ that it exists a nd say: "We


have agIobai business cy]rure now." ~,rhis is op-
timistic; at worst. it is a fo rm of iosensitjve incompe-
rence that can lead to disaster.
Other leaders read books about culrural diversity and
rhen rhin k rhey know w ha r to do - for example, when
handin" over their business card. T his is a kind of naive
emhusiasm for etiquette [hat can win a few points in
first contacts, but it ignores more significant cha llenges
(for example, during complex necoriations).
More ~ imern ar ionallcaders start not by reading
about others, b ut by thin k ing abo ut themselves, t heir
assumprions and th e .imJ:! of rheir behaviour on •

agend .. [;I'd;;cnd;)[ hier: Prog,,,,,c:m,,m,,,,c.c-=_
align [:J'lmn] auf einer Linie sein, im
mumption [;I's ... myIon] Voraussetzu","~. __
at besllLlEt 'best] bestenfalls
at worst I,a:t 'w3:st] sctlhmmstenfalls
budget, keep costs on - die Kosten Im Rahmen des
['b Du... sld;;lll ness card ['blzn;lS icu:dj-- Visitenkarte Budgets ha~',,~"~;;=_
business culture [,blzn~ 'bltJ;I] Unternehmenskultur
clari!) 5th. ['kJa:r.,riiT etw. klaren ____ _
commitmenl Engagement,
[k:J'mltmJnll'";;;;;;rr-______ C"o'::;i',,tu,ngSbereitschafl
committed [k:J'mlltd] engagiert
contrildTctlOn l,kDntD'dlkJ>JI! WidersprOchllchkeit
cOte [b:] Kern·
den)' slh. [di'nal! etw. leugnen, hier: nicht
design slh. [di'zalnl --""OC;,-------cw~etw. '~hq'h~'!!":",WO~"'c"~konZIpieren, etw. C--



diversity [wlI'v:I:s;Kil Vielfalt
en&iii' sb. hn'gcld;;1 Imdn. einbeziellen
engagin, [ln'geld3IU] einnehmend
environment Umfeld: hier:

negotialion [n.,g;)()Ji'cIJ.n]
outsoun::ing l'aot,s:J:sIO]
paraphrilSe sth. ( 'pZDrrcl zj etw. umschreiben, etw.


phrase [frCIZ] ~~:::::::=====-J'~"~"~'~s: Ausdruck, formul.~"~"~"=::-Formulierung
process [yr;)()ses] Verfahren. Ablauf
projecl update Information(en) Ober den
l,prDd;>ckl ' ... pdell] neuesten Stand des



push sill. [~ etw. forcieren
quick fix l ,kWIIc 'flks] ifml. schnelle lOsung
roU.(HJ! ['00 aot] MarkteinfOhrung
5aVVY I 'sa:vil ifml. - klug. erlah~~~"~::'=':=:
screen resolution BildSChlf~~UfIOsung
f.:ssenkri:n silivlty rel~,lu:J'nl [,senSJ'llv:JliJ - Sensibilitat ~;;;;;~
social SkiIJS['S;JOJ~sklll] soziale Kompetenz(en)
stakeholclers ['Sletk,h:JOldU"l
subsidiary [~'sldi;)ri]
team up wilh sb.
[,Ii:m '~p wu)]
vision ['vI3'n]

i ,

"''''''SpoIIight 39

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