cause people a re iovolvcd, rhey
a re much more commined.»
TIps for managing paradoxes:
- Know your organizarion. Whar
a re rhe cemra! and local ~
dü? Wh i ch poims a re d riven
by business facwrs, and which
by po!itical power strugg!es? - Identify and eogage key stake-
ho lders a od opioion leade rs
during rhe change processes.
Build a srraregy for influenciog
a nd persuadiog rhern. - SeUloca l benefits. Don't focus
on the targets se t by headquar-
ters when explaining the rea-
sons for change. - Listen tO the feedback of !ocat
business u nits w hen they resist
change. This may be a sign
that changes must be made to
the cha nge process. - Deve[op your listening sk ills. Orherwise, you'll never
persuade others or work throug h conflicts.
Paradoxes: test yourself
Match each of the effective listening behaviours below to
one of the example listening phrases. For the answers,
see page 42.
Effective listening behaviours
- Give positive feedback.
- Show others that you understand.
- Clarily the meaning of the words.
- Paraphrase.
- Ask people fQ( more information.
- Investigate people's motivation.
Example listening phrases
a) "U I understand you correctly. you're saying that. .. "
b) "So, when are you planning 10 ... "
c) "What do you mean by 'financial controls'?"
d)"~ what you mean."
el "Why da you think ... ?"
f) "That's interesting."
- Diversity
As they t rave! the world, im ernationalleaders soon no-
tice variations in business practices. Va[ues, such as o ri-
emarion to time, seem to be d ifferem. eore-business
coocepts, such as Jeadership itself, a re underswod dif-
feremly. In fact , everything is open to question.
Responses from international leaders tO djycrsjty
\'ary significamly. Some ~ that it exists a nd say: "We
have agIobai business cy]rure now." ~,rhis is op-
timistic; at worst. it is a fo rm of iosensitjve incompe-
rence that can lead to disaster.
Other leaders read books about culrural diversity and
rhen rhin k rhey know w ha r to do - for example, when
handin" over their business card. T his is a kind of naive
emhusiasm for etiquette [hat can win a few points in
first contacts, but it ignores more significant cha llenges
(for example, during complex necoriations).
More ~ imern ar ionallcaders start not by reading
about others, b ut by thin k ing abo ut themselves, t heir
assumprions and th e .imJ:! of rheir behaviour on •
agend .. [;I'd;;cnd;)[ hier: Prog,,,,,c:m,,m,,,,c.c-=_
align [:J'lmn] auf einer Linie sein, im
mumption [;I's ... myIon] Voraussetzu","~. __
at besllLlEt 'best] bestenfalls
at worst I,a:t 'w3:st] sctlhmmstenfalls
budget, keep costs on - die Kosten Im Rahmen des
['b Du... sld;;lll ness card ['blzn;lS icu:dj-- Visitenkarte Budgets ha~',,~"~;;=_
business culture [,blzn~ 'bltJ;I] Unternehmenskultur
clari!) 5th. ['kJa:r.,riiT etw. klaren ____ _
commitmenl Engagement,
[k:J'mltmJnll'";;;;;;rr-______ C"o'::;i',,tu,ngSbereitschafl
committed [k:J'mlltd] engagiert
contrildTctlOn l,kDntD'dlkJ>JI! WidersprOchllchkeit
cOte [b:] Kern·
den)' slh. [di'nal! etw. leugnen, hier: nicht
design slh. [di'zalnl --""OC;,-------cw~etw. '~hq'h~'!!":",WO~"'c"~konZIpieren, etw. C--
diversity [wlI'v:I:s;Kil Vielfalt
en&iii' sb. hn'gcld;;1 Imdn. einbeziellen
engagin, [ln'geld3IU] einnehmend
environment Umfeld: hier:
negotialion [n.,g;)()Ji'cIJ.n]
outsoun::ing l'aot,s:J:sIO]
paraphrilSe sth. ( 'pZDrrcl zj etw. umschreiben, etw.
phrase [frCIZ] ~~:::::::=====-J'~"~"~'~s: Ausdruck, formul.~"~"~"=::-Formulierung
process [yr;)()ses] Verfahren. Ablauf
projecl update Information(en) Ober den
l,prDd;>ckl ' ... pdell] neuesten Stand des
push sill. [~ etw. forcieren
quick fix l ,kWIIc 'flks] ifml. schnelle lOsung
roU.(HJ! ['00 aot] MarkteinfOhrung
5aVVY I 'sa:vil ifml. - klug. erlah~~~"~::'=':=:
screen resolution BildSChlf~~UfIOsung
f.:ssenkri:n silivlty rel~,lu:J'nl [,senSJ'llv:JliJ - Sensibilitat ~;;;;;~
social SkiIJS['S;JOJ~sklll] soziale Kompetenz(en)
stakeholclers ['Sletk,h:JOldU"l
subsidiary [~'sldi;)ri]
team up wilh sb.
[,Ii:m '~p wu)]
vision ['vI3'n]
i ,
"''''''SpoIIight 39