mhers. They a lso rhink about
how ro communicate in a way
that builds understanding and
takes advantage of diverse points
of view, so that they then can
reach better resuhs.
Diversity is an oppormnity that
requires strategie planning. Most
international leaders focus tOO
narrow[y on shorI-term goals. As
a result, misunderstandings hap-
pen, solutions are overlooked,
and things get done less creative-
ly and more slowly.
Tips for managing diversity:
- Manage your behaviour, and both the positive and
negative impact you ha"e o n others. - Be aware of [he diversiry on offer. Discover the talents
and mindsets in your team. - Make the most of different opinions in your team, en-
couraging people to bring together the best aspeets of
different ideas. - Spend time on relationships and trust building.
- Build a feed back culture in your o rganization in order
that people can learn how ro work better together.
Diversity: test yourself
look at the list of international compelencies below·. Do
these descriptions match your own behaviour in international
w()(king contexts? Give yourself a personal ~ from 1 (the
lowest) 10 10 (the highest). For feedback, see page 42.
a) Meeting new people
I like to be the one who makes Ihe first conlacl and 10
build relationships with new people, including those I
who have different experiences, oerceolions and values.
bl Being flexible
Your $Core
I adapl easity to a riD.i.e. 01 different sodal and cultural
Situations. I am happy 10 experiment with different 0
ways 01 behaving to lind those that are most acceptable
and successlul. I
cl Focusing on object i'les
I set speclfic goals and tasks in International projecls,
and work with determination 10 achieve them, rw& 0
m.m. any problems or pressure to compromise.
d) Underslandi ng cultures
I lind time to learn about unlamiliar cultures and to
deepen my undefStanding 01 those lalready know. I use 0
different strategies, such as reading and asking col·
leagues an<! chenls.
el Managing diversity
I am ~ 10 the need lor a syslematic iOOfOiCh to
laciljtatjng teamwork to make sure that different cu 1- 0
tural perspectives are properly understood and used in
Ihe problem-solving J)!"ocess.
- Vour international challenges
Tbc internationallalldscapc is ch:lracterized by unter-
tainry, complexity, paradoxes and diversity. As a result,
inrernationalleaders need a range of srrategies to na"-
igate both themsel"es and their organizarions towards
successful business results. No single approach will be
successful in all contextS, because leadership is sima·
tional. Make sure that yOUT behaviour is whoHy ~
tO your specific leadership contexr(s), so rhat you can
produce positive resutts for yamsclf, your team and
yOUT organization's balance sbeet. Il
approach [;)'prOKJ\D
balance sheel I'b.el;)ns Ji:tl
facilit,lIIe 5th. Ir;"l'sl!;)!!!"]
anred: be - 10 5th. [gl:KI 1
mindset I'mamdsel)
overlook 5th. 1,.;ov:;I'lokl
r,ange [remds)
regardles$ "'sEt!. [ri'go:dl,ls ovl
$COfe Ist J:]
sensitive: be -10 5th. ['sCnSJIlV]
short ·term LJJ:I 'I3:m)
For more information
etw. unterstOtzen
auf etw. ausgerichtet sem
etw. übefsehen
ohne RückSicht auf etw.
senSibel auf elw. reagieren
kurzfristig -
- The Mindfullnternationill MJnager, Jeremy Comfort, Peter
FrankIin, York Associates, ISBN 978-1-900991·18-6, !:15.95. - ~ing GlobeSmart, Ernest Gundling, Davies-Black, ISBN
978-0-89106-177-9, $29.95.
.An interesting website that looks at al t ernative views on
globalleadership http://www.worldlyleadership.org.uk
. A useful site focusing on intercultural communication
[l[] You can practise this topic on Busmess Spotlight AUdio
Da You'lf lind related exercises in Business Spotlight plus
[..., 1 Watch our Iree Business with Bob series 01 videos lor
more tips on how 10 make your international meetings
successlul: http://www.business·spotllght.delvldeoslbob
BOB DIGNEN is one of the directofs 01 York Assoclates
(www.york-össoclötes.co.ukl. which speclallzes in
language, communication and intercultural trainmg.
Contact: bob.d [email protected]