
(Chris Devlin) #1

Cut this page out and use it to prepare for your internationalleadership challenges

This section provides suggestions for ~ that will help you in your role as an international leader. Remem-
ber, however, that these are only suggestions. You should use only the language you feel comfortable with in
each specific situation. MI'Il" Ir i

  1. Ooalln, wlth unconalnty
    a) Ask questions to learn about people and conterts

  • So, what's your background?

  • What changes have you seen in your busjoess uoit over
    the last few years?

b) Make sure people have the information and resources
they need to do their jobs

  • If you need more information about this, just cootact ..

  • let me know if you need more resources.

c) Build teams that are enlrepreneur jal and proactjye

  • Try to find a workaround if you can.

  • I'd like everyooe to try to aotjcioate problems and pro-
    vide solutions.

d) Keep people focused 10 deljyer on W&m

  • Remember, the main goal is 10 ...

  • Please make sure you ..

e) Create and gel acceplance for structures t hai can be
adapted quickly

  • As a resul! of the new situation, we'lI have 10 change ...

  • It's importaot to understaod that we're io a dynamic
    situat ion, aod so ...

f) Check whether anything is still uncertain or missing

  • How are things going?

  • Are we missing anythiog?

  1. Ooalln, wlth comploxlty
    a) Communicate messages in simple and direct language
    Ihat can be easily understood

  • BasicaJly, the current low level of ioterest rates meaos
    thaI we should ...

  • What I 'm saying is that will be greater than ...

b) Team up wjth others who have the expertise and knowl-
edge 10 solve comple. problems

  • Who can I speak to, 10 learn more about ...

  • If you want some ~ ioto this, you should call ...

c) Creale a deat vision thai people can use to navigate
Iheir way through complexity
V. • What we want to ~ at the end of this process is ...
r!b • The vision behind allihis is to ...

4/2 010

d) Give people plenly of opportunities 10 c.JMifl things if
they feel confused

  • What do you think, Bob? You look a little uocertaio?

  • If you have any questions, just ...

e) Avoid simplifying too quickly, and search for hidden

  • 00 we need to slow down a little? We may be forgetting
    that ...

  • Is it right 10 lliWm that ...?

  1. Oo.lIn, wlth paradoxes
    a) Know your organization

  • Whal are the main challeoges that you face in your 10-
    cal market?

  • So, why is this projecl so important for your organization
    at the moment?

b) Identify and ~ key stakeholders and opinion

  • So. who are the main supporters of this?

  • Who do we need to engage f irst?

c) Seillocal benefits

  • The key benefit locally is

  • The main advantage for you in the regions is

j ( )


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