
(Chris Devlin) #1


d) listen t o th e feedback of local business units when they
resist c h ange

  • Why do you Ihink this could be a problem?

  • So, what do we need 10 do to solve this problem?

e) Develop your list ening skills

  • Thal's interesting. I Good ~.
    .l...5ee. what you mean. lOK!

  • What do you mean by ...? I When you say "quality", do
    you mean ..•?

  • If I understand you correctly, you're saying thaI...

  • Could you say more about...?

  • Why do you think .•.? I 00 you inlend to ...?

  1. Dlve .. lty
    a ) B e aware of the d jyersitv on offer in your team

  • So, what's your experience of ..•?

  • So, how do you see this challenge?

b) M ake the most of different opinion s in your team

  • Let's hear what people think and, hopefully, we'll get a
    number of views.

  • Peler, do you share this opinion?

  • Jan, I think you have a different perspective on this.

  • Can we bring these two ideas together in some way?

c) Spend time on relation ships and trust build ing

  • How are you feeling today?

  • Don't worry, 1'11 make sure thai you have Ihe resources
    10 deliver the results !2D....1irM.

  • Can I support you in any way?

d) Build a f eedback culture in your organization

  • Can we take a l e w minutes at the end of the meeting 10

  • Can you note down on the flip chart a lew Q!IDn words
    of feedback Ihat we can Ihen discuss?

  • How can we improve?

ae:e,oach r"'pr~lI1
challenging J'IJa:hnd3I1JI
credibility I.krcd~'bIl31il
diredion: liVe ~ Id:!'rckJ·nl
diver5ity Idal'v'j:s3til
eVilluilte sth. [i'va:Uucl! I
guideline l'galdJalnl
1 see [,al 'si:]
necotiate sth. lna'g~ficl!l
obje<:tive 1~·tlJckllvl
on time I,on 'talmi
pliin Iplcml
review 5th. lri'vju:]
the big picture [03 'blg ,p lktJ:!l

hier: Argument
etw. überprülen
das goße Gilnze

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42 Business Spoiligflt

Ans.l .. Ind teldblCk

  1. Uncertainty (see test on page 361
    a) Milke sure people have the mlormation and resources Ihey need
    to do their JObs: b) Keep people locused 10 deliver on targets; c) Build
    teams that are entrepreneullai and proactive; d) Creille and get ac·
    ceplilnce lor !.truc!ure!. that can be adaptes:l quickly; e) Check
    whether anythmg IS still uncertam or misslng; 11 Ask quest Ion!. to
    leilrn ilbout Ihe people and conted!. you are workmg wlth.

  2. Complexity (see test on page 38)
    iI) Team up wlth others who have the expertise ilnd knowledge 10
    salve dlflicull problem!.; b) Communtcate messages in simple and
    direct language thaI can be easily understood; c) Avoid simplifying
    100 qUlckly, and search for hldden contradIC!lons: d) Creilte a cleilr
    vision that people can use to navigate thell Wirf through complexity.

  3. Pilradoxes (see test on page 39)
    1-1; 2-d; 3-<:; 4-a; 5-b; 6-e

  4. Oiversity (see test on page 40)
    iI) Meeting new people
    6 to 10. Your iI..It.IlliI:&h is very people..orienled. You probably have
    the ability to build relationshlps quickly with different people. Bul
    people woo are strongly task-drlven may think)tOu are spending 100
    much time on small tillk - and not enough on getting the Job done.
    1 105. Vour working style is more tilsk-orlenled. Vou mighl be able
    to focus quickly yoorsell - as weil as groups - on tasks when un-
    der pressure. However, some people milY find YOUf style somewhat
    Impollte If you do flOt invest t ime and energy getting to know lhem.
    b) Being lIexible
    610 10. YOOf ilpptoach IS based on a strong people-orientation and
    iI prelefence for harmony in working relationships. Voo can ptoba-
    bly make others leel comfortilble when)'Oll adilpt to their style. But
    others may fmd It dlfflcult to trust)'OU II they see}'Ou changing your
    behilvioor too much.
    1 to 5. Vour workmg Slyle IS based on being honest and authentie.
    You can build trust wlth credlbility, because people Will belteve thaI
    wtlat you say is wl"Iat )'Ou think. But others mirf leel uncomlortable
    wlth )'OUr behavlour Irom time 10 time and see )tOu as being inllexI-
    c) Focusing on objectjycs
    6 to 10. YOUf approach is very resulls-dflven. You probably have the
    ability 10 achleve )tOur goals even in very cballengjm! situations. But
    some may see you as being too locused on your own goals and Ihus
    unable 10 ~ compromises with those who have a different
    1 to 5. Vour workmg style IS less locused on individual goals and
    more on reaching common goals. You ptobably have the ability 10 see
    l!Je bigger piclure and to negotlate with those who have a different
    viewpoint. Bul some people mlghl think)tOu lack locus on )tOur own
    goals and are too easily persuaded by others.
    d) Understanding cultures

  5. Yoo think thaI iI is essentiill to know abaut the cultures 01
    }'Our mternatlonill partners: natlonill, organizational. religious. eIe.
    You can build respecl by showing this knowledge during busll'less
    cortvefSabons. But)'OU may locus 100 much on Imowledge ratber Ihan
    on adaptmg )'OUr behavlour.
    1 to 5. Yau thmk 1I IS more importilnt to know the Individual thiln 10
    locus on culture. You mirf have IM ability to build strong inlefper-
    sooal reliltionships wlthout a lot 01 wider cultural knowtedge. But
    without an understanding 01 the culturat context, you may manage
    people in the wrong way er take poor declsions.
    e) Managing diversity
    6 to 10. You see diversity as an opportunity. You Iook at working
    styles 01 the people around you and give people tasks do 10 accerd-
    ing to specilie talents. In discussions. you make sure that diverse
    opinlons are heard and eyalualed. But some people may think 10u
    spend too much time on this and vlew this as iI lack 01 !eadership.
    1 to 5. You see it as }'Our task to lead and to give~. Vou prob-
    ilbly believe that dl~ersity is best managed by creaUng shared ~
    lint:i. Bul you may not spend enough time listening 10 different opin- V.
    ions, which means thaI you might miss innovative SOlutions. dh

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