People have individual reactions to bosses, So. somebody
that I think is just fine. you miiht not tike, and yice yersa.
Elster: Our favo ri te secrion in the book is called, " Your
Boss Ba~~a~c Assessment." Ir includes 6 0 q uestions,
and whcn you take yourself through this asscssmcnt,
you realizc that you bring to that relationship threc
things: cxpectations, nceds, a nd fears. Once you under-
stand your profile, you Start to see why you're not ha p-
py with your particular boss.
Crowley: If, for exa mplc, yo u're wh at we call a iUI.!,
you're [(rrjfied of being held back. Jf you then work fo r
someone who may be overly controlling, th at's going
to be rcally d ifficlilt for YOll. Whereas if so mcone is a
abll5e sb. r,,'bju:zl
aCClI5e sb. (,,'kju:z]
affect sb. la'fekl]
aS5essmerlt ra'sc~marlll
back brace ['brek breIs)
bauage ['bregld3]
ball game: it's a whole differerlt -
['ba: 1 gelm)rfml.
brazerl l 'brclZ'fll
(,ku: nfr ... 1l'le,J 'Ilal*]
corpol"at iorl !.kJ:rp~'reIJ·Il*)
credibility l,kledJ'brl:lli)
eredi! : giye sb. -('kredJI* ]
cullure l 'k ... hJ.,",
day-to-day [,der la 'der]
deliver 5th. [di'lrv.,,)
demeaning ldi'mi:mo'
depersOllalize (,di:'p3:S'Il"larz]
detach (di'lreH]
d ue Idu:"
f igure sth. out l,frgj ... 'aut']
founder I·faulld ... ·'
get alollg wlth sb. !.gel a'b:o w,O",
greeller pastures: look for -
{,gri:n'r 'presIJ"zO]
head: go ewer sb.'s -[hed[
HR (human resources) l.ellJ 'u:r')
Illc. [ lOk] US
industry pro I,mdast l i 'proool
inf uriated lm'fjulicn;xl°]
illi ern ('mt3:n]
48 .... "'" Spltligbt
hier: jmdn. bloßstellen
jmdn. beschuldigen
SIch auf jmdn. auswrrkerl
Ernschatzung, Beurteilung
Gepack: hier: was jmd. mit sIch
dre Situation rst eine ganz
jmdm. Anerkennung zukommen
hiel: Unternehmenskultur
etw. erbrrngen
das Persönliche herausnehmen
sich lösen
etw_ herausftnden
mIt jmdm. auskommen
sich nach etwas Besserem
Jmdn. irl der Hrerarchre tibergehen
etwa: AG
wütend. verargert
ourturer, and they like to take care of rheir boss, and
they're happy to follow instructions, they ma y not have
a problem with a very conrrolling authority.
One of the recommendations that you make in the book is
not to take what your boss says personally. But isn't it pos-
s ible that you and your boss just don't Hke each other?
Elster: Yes. [/aughsl There's a fair chance.
So what do we do about that?
Elster: Weil, remember, it's not a n equal relationship. It's
a power re lationship. One person has power over you,
and they can control whether you ger paid, wherher you
have a job. Wha t t hey can't control is your emotions.
Crowley: When we talk about not taking ir pcrsonally,
what we'rc saying is that yOUf boss has ra rgeted you this
time, but that same ind ividuaJ targeted so meone else he-
fore you, and will target someone else after you leavc.
Is it possible to chanae your boss?
Elster: I th ink yo u have a greater possibiliry of c hang-
ing your reacrio n tO him or her, And by chang ing your
reaction, the boss changes.
Crow[ey: Ler's sa y you work for a "sacred cow." This is
somcone who's quitc incomperent, who doesn't really
moyc 00 anything, but j usr holds the status quo. lostead
of trying to push ideas towards them, or (rying to go
over rheir bnd, or try ing to get them fired, you should
d.cra.cll and depersonaljze, Say, "OK, this is w ho this
job descfiption ['d3Q:b di,skrrpJ·n·]
job int erview ('dlO:b ,mt·rvj u:·J
lay 5th. OtItl.ler 'aUI)
lesson l 'les·n]
match: be a good - [ma::IJ]
miserable: make $b.'s lile -
move Orl sth. ('mu:v o:n·J
nurture, ['n:!J·r ... ·J
peers Ipr ... z"]
persecutor [·pJ:slkj u:t.,.o,
rope: give sb. a lot of -[IOUp"J
<""" run with 5th. ]'1"'" " '16·]
5aCred cow f,SClknd 'kau]
sllame sb. [Jelml
shine [Jarn[
sign on l or: _ a j ob [,SO In 'o :n f~:ro,
square ~: be back to -
f.skwe ... 'wAn') ifml.
s!.at! tumover f.sta::f '13:n.ouV.,*J
star [Slo:r·]
ste w ove, 5th. ['SIU: ,OUV'I'[
slrive l or 5th. ['Sllalv fJ:r·]
target sb. ('lu:rgJI*]
terrified: be - 01 5th. ['Icnfard]
tormented ] 'I:l:rlTK:nud")
ulcer [·Als.,O]
vice versa [,va,si 'V3:S;)]
yeller ('jcl·'"Jlfml.
etw. darlegen
gut zusammenpassen
jmdm. das Leben schwer
etw. woran bringen
jmd., der srch immerzu um
andere kOmmert
Verfolger(rn), Peiniger(in)
jmdm. viel Handlungs-
freiraum geben
etwas mit BegeIsterung auf-
l"Ieilrge Kuh
Jmdn. rn VerlegenheIt stOrzen
eine Stelle annehmen
wieder sanz am Anfang
Persorl, dre sern im
Vordergrund Sieht
Ober etw. schmoren
sich um etw. bemOhen
jmdn. ins Visrer nehmen
Angst '0'0/ etw. llaben
Person, die ofllaut Wird