Sie sieht sich als Künstlerin und ihr Vorbild ist Andy Warhol. Wie wurde sie zu ~Lady Gaga". dem welt·
bekannten Popstar. und was ist ihr in ihrer Arbeit und in ihrem Leben wichtig? mgif'
I've been playing piano since I was four and writing mu-
sie since I was 13. I just reaHy, really have becn thc kind
of person tha['s unstoppable, and I've never let a nything
ger in my way. The truth is: the psychotic woman that
[ truly am comes out when I'm not working. When I'm
not working, I go crazy.
So me people say everythina has been done before and,
to an extent, they are riaht. The trick is to put together
things that have never been put togerher before. I like
to be unpredjcrable, and I think ir's very unpredictable
ro promote pop music as a bit;hbrow medium.
What I do is performance art - it's pop music meant for
the loune.! w rite about sCQuins, parties, and fame.
And how I wish modern America was more like the
Andy Warhol era! If you say something lang enough,
people will listen. WarhoJ kept relling people, "This is
art, this is art, this is art," and cyentually they said:
"Andy Warhol is brillianr, he is rhe future of arr."
I did this the way you are supposed to - I played every
club in New York and found myself as an artist. Ilearned
how ro Sllrvive as a n artist and how to fail. And I
workcd hard.
I had a Kau [drugl experience one night and thought I
might die. Ir helped me ro bccorne th e person! am. I sec
things in quite a fragmenred, psychatic manner, which
I think is because of thar. Bur I dccided ir was more im-
balls: sb. with big - [b):lzl vulg.
celebrity [S3'lcbr.llil',--__
convent ['ko:nv;ml-'
drive [dnllv[
eli te [i'li:11
eventually il'vcm!u:lli 1
hang out with sb. i,ha:O '301 wIO"i)
hi, hbrow l'h<ubrau)--~
lace lIel~1--~
methocl ac ting ['mcll<Kl,a:klloi
mocIel 5th. on 5th. ('mu:d>l u:n-]
psychotic !sm'ko:llk·1
scary ['skeri·'
schooling ['sku:lIl))
sequin5 ['si:kwmz[ ifml.
the Sacred Hurt hb ,selknd 'oo:rl·i
think twice I,Olijk 'I"'als!
unpredictable: be -I.llnpri'dl~I;m.1I
60 Business SpotligtJt
- PfomlOentelr) Imd., der VI~'~M~,=m=m=h.=t=--_
tlltf: Klosterschule
Antrieb. Tatend~"i',~g _
[wg. Aussprache)
schließlich, eines Tages
mit )mdm. abhangen
intellektuell, hochgestochen
SchauspIeltechnik nach lee
sich etw. tum Vorbild nehmen
11'11. AusspracheJ
Ausbildung. Schulzeit
coole leute
das Herz Jesu
es Sich gut Ctberlege,,"=c-_
unberechenbar seln:- hier:
immer für Überraschungen gut
parram to become a cemered, crirical rhinker - thar
was more powerful rhan rhe drug itself.
My parents were very s upportive 01 anything creative I
wanted to do, whether it was playing p iano, or being in
plays, o r raking metbad-acrine classes, wh ich I did when
I was 11. They liked the facr that I was a motivared
YOllng person.
I dldn't fit into high school, because I feit like a freak.
So 1 wanr ro creare this space for my fans, where rhey
feellike they have a freak in me to ha nt: oU[ wjrh, and
they don't feel alone.
My schoo!ing gave me discipline, 1I..tiß. [At th e ~
ConyeD( of the Sacred H eaer, in New York,1 they
raught me how to think. If I dccide to make a caat red
in the show, it's not juSt recl. 1 think: what are we try-
ing to say in this scene? ls it a happy red or a sad red?
Is ir a 00 red, or a leather red, or a wool red? T here
are so many componenrs to making a show and mak-
ing art, and my school raught me how [0 rhink rhat way.
[rhe Haus of Gagal is my own creative team, rnodeled
D.ß Warhol's Factory. Everyone is under 26, and we do
everyrhing rogether. We decide whar's good, und if rhe
idcas are powerful enough, we can convince the world
that ir's great.
Every time you work with s omeone who's better than you
are, you become greater.
I'm filling an enormous hole [in the market]. T here's :l
widc-open space for a female with big.l.:uill..s. to fiU!
If a nyone had told me at the start 0' my career what suc-
cess brings along with it, I would have thought Iwjce.
Now I know you havc [0 c hoose between fame and
love; both rogerher won't work. Sornerimes I feel rny
fans are all I have.
Over the next 25 years, I intend to prove that I am an
artist and not jusr a celebriry who dresses well. (]
LADY GAGA was born Stetani Germanotta in 1986 in New York.
She had a priviieged chlidhood and went to an elite school. To--
day, she IS a major pop star. Her name comes Irom "RadiO Ga Ga",
wntten by Reger Taylor and sung by Freddie Mercury of Queen.
C Extracts trom Lady Gaga; Queen of Pop, Emily Herber!, John
Blake Pubiishing Ud, iSBN 978-1-B4454-963-4, f:7.99.