
(Chris Devlin) #1


Um die Produktivität zu erhöhen, müssen Geschäftsprozesse oft neu gestaltet werden. In welchen
Schritten eine solche Neugestaltung erfolgen kann, erklärt DARRELL RIGBY. "W,!U 'i"

  1. Description
    Business process re-en~iocc[io" invo lves the radieal
    redesign o f ,ore-business proccsses to achieve dramat-
    ie imp rovemem s i n productiviry, erde times, and qua l-
    ir)'. In business process re-engineering, compa nies sta rt
    w ith an empry shee t of paper and rethink existing
    proccsses to deli ver mo re value to the customer. Thcy
    rypicaJly a.d.2(l[ a oew value system ehat places increased
    emphasjs o n cusromef need s. Companies reduce o rgan-
    izario nal.l.iu:lli aod climinate unproducrive activities in
    two key areas. First, they [edesign functional organiza -
    tions into cross-funcr ioual teams, Second , they use
    tcc hno logy to improve d oll" disseminatio n and decisioll

adopt slh, !;J'do :pl· '
busiflHS process re.e~"'~i~~""'i;;;"'
l,bl7.f1;>S ,pro:ses ,n : erKI31'nIrlU· '
l,kJ:r ,bl~n~ro:scs~s·J

hier: etw. einIOhren
gestaltung= = = =
crou,lunclionall,kr.o:s 'f"'okJ' nJ I· ] tller: bereichsObergreifend
cycle time r's.,'~'kii"~";:,"m"'",,,,,",,,~,-,riiZYkIUS-, Taktle~t~;;;;:­
data dissemination ['deIIJ dlsem!.onc IJ'fI1 Daten~erbreltung
emphasis: place increased _ on 5th, grOßeres Gewicht auf etw.
['cmf3SlsJ legen
end·to-end [,end I;J 'eIidT durchganglg, komplett
'ralmentation [,f~gm~n'leIJ'nJ hier: ZerstOckeltmg
impact sb, (Im'~kl] Auswirkungen auf jmdn,
isslle ['iJu:1
tayt:f ['1I.'I· r·,
output l'aolptJl]
ownership of 5th. ('oun>rJ lp· J
fl:ome.t [pr'!!!!lP'· J
redeslln (sth.) l,ri :di'Ulln]

62 """",,SPIMJiglll

hier: Aspekt
Leistung. Ergebnisse
hier, Verantwortung fOr etw.
Neugestaltung; etw. neu
Einzel· , Fachhandel

  1. Methodology
    Business process re-engineering is a dramatic change ini-
    tiative involving five major steps, Man agers should:

  • refocus compan)' valu es o n c usto mer needs;

  • redesign core processes, o ften using information rec h-
    no log)' to e nable improvemc ms;

  • reorganize a business into cross-functional teams w ith
    end-to-end responsibiliry for a process;

  • rethink basic organizational a nd pcople~;

  • improve business processes ac ross the organization,

  1. Camman uses
    Companies usc busin ess process re-engineering to sub-
    srantially improvc performance on key processcs that
    .i.mJ;2;K1: customers. Busin ess process re-enginee ring can:

  • reduce COStS and eyele times by eliminating unproduc-
    tive activities and the employees who perform th em.
    Reorganizatio n into teams decrea ses the need for
    management layers, speeds up in formation f1ows, and
    climinates the e rrors and extra work caused b)' toO
    many people working on thc same job;

  • improve qualiry by reducing (he fra gmcm ation of
    work and establishing d ear owoershjp of processes.
    Wo rkers gaio responsib iliry fo r th eir 2..Y1l2Y1 and get
    prompt feedback on th eir perfo rma nce, []I
    C Bain & Company, Ine., 2010
    DARRELL RIGBY, a partner in the Boston office of
    Bain & Company, heads the flrm's Global RtWl and
    Global Inno~ation Practices. He produces Bain's
    Management Toofs: An fxecutive's Guide. a booklet
    ~~ which describes 25 of the most popular management
    ... 10015. http://www.bain.comlmanagemenLtools

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