"There are many F-words that can raise morale at work,
including 'feedback', 'foliow-through' and 'fairness'"
A comedian once pointed out that
(hefe i5 only a ooc-Ietter difference
berwccn "networking" and "not
working". Thc same is true of
".IllQ.üI.l" and "Jll.Q!il.J..c." - thc laner
is the mental ::md emotional stare of
an individual or group [hat influ-
enees how rhey perform. High
morale is characterized by a spirit
of optimism in which staU are high-
Iy motivared 10 da their jobs.
Morale can be boch the cause und
a consequence of performance.
Poor performance can lead to Iow
morale, which worsens perfor-
mance. Success. on the mher b..a..ruL
can improve mo rale and raise the
encrgy TO ereate more successes.
Bur is rhere a connecrio n betwecn
morale and morality? Do moral
managers in moral organizations
create high staff morale? Be ing
moral means having high standards
and an ethically driven code ofcon-
~, as weil as making iudgcmems
based on conscience.
The word "ethieal" is now used
to deseribe company behaviour
more often than the ward "moral".
Many companies have jumped on
th is "ethical bandwaeon". prornot-
ing, for example, "ethieal invest-
mems" and "fair-trade produets".
And businesses don't gene rally
cmpbasizc the word "morality". In-
sread, they talk abaut "integrity". In-
regrit)' is defined as " honesry. incor-
ruptibility and an uncompromjsjne
adhe rence ro a moral code". Twen-
ry years ago, a US srudy ~ man-
ager morality ro worker morale.
Two hundred managers were asked
ro rank the .u:a.iu they might want
in their boss. Tbc traits included:
" ... having integrity, being self-
comrolled, suppoujve, iluagjnaciye,
inspiring, ~ a nd coopcrative".
Tbe most bigbly .ca.o.k.N qualiry was
integrity. A siroilar srudy done later
in Britain produeed rhe same re-
sults. It also showcd rhar integrity
was the trait people desired not
only in rheir bosses, but in all rheie
collcagues ar work. I-Iaving a firm,
a dcpartmcm and a boss who all
demonstrate mocaliry roeans thar
staff know where rhey stand.
There are many important F-words
tbat ean belp raise morale ar work,
including "feedback", " follow-
tbrougb" and "fairness". Managers
are expected to listen to tbeir staff.
Tbey sbould be fair in all (b eir de-
cisions, and rheic aerions sbould be
bonest and transparem. Ir is gener-
ally und ersrood that top managers
must sometimes follow the ".s.pirir
ofthe law", rather tban the "kIru
ot the law". However, when half-
rrutbs, fayourirjsm and cover-ups
get noticcd, ir ean significamly re-
duee moralc.
Bur one can be tOO moral. \YIe alJ
know people who are fanatieal in
their moral prineiples. Tbey are
eharacterized both b)' intoleranee
and inflexibility.
C h ildren develop a voiee of eon-
seienee rhrough rewards and pun-
ishmenrs. This smal1 voiee later be-
comes thcif engine of moraliry. Ir is
a moor Question, however, wherher
one ean teaeb moraliry CO an adult
who never deve10pcd tbis voice. [J
_ Test your understanding of thls
text in Business Spotlight plus
ADRIAN FURNHAM IS a prefeSSOf 01 psy-
chology at University College, Lenden,
and an aulhor. His lalesl book is The
Elephant in (he Boardroom: The Causes of
Leadership Derailment, Palgrave Macmil·
lan, ISBN 978·0-230·22953·2, [25.
BusinessSpodighl 63