
(Chris Devlin) #1
Art cla"
In an empty

Going Up


hen it comes to recycling, Ihere's lots of room for im·
provement This is especially Irue of the American m
atjon jndustrv. According 10 enyironmenta! groups, about 75
percent of .tram from airports and airlines cou!d be recycled

  • but only about 20 percent actually iso
    As consumers and industry employees become more aware
    of Ihe problem, they are making an effort to change Ihe cur-
    rent situation. "li does not make sense to acquire oil from
    the Middle East or Ihe North Siope of A!aska and l urn it into
    a plastic bottle, use it once, and throw il away," scient ist
    Allen Hershkowitz of the Natural Resources Oefense Coun-
    cillold The New York limes.
    There are 552 commercial ai rports in the U.S., and each
    of them has its own system for handling waste, according to
    Nancy Young, vice president of environmenta! affairs for the
    Air Transport Association. "The ~ is very local," Young
    says. "Ooes the city have the infrastructure? Are they work-
    ing to make Ihat available? Can we gel over secyr jty issues
    to get to Ihe airplane and"
    Meanwhile, Conl inental Airlines is increasing ils recycling
    efforts. The airline says the move comes in response 10 pres-
    sure !rom beth statt and cuslemers.

avbaseiatd : l ondonion industry - - lbe[C~'~ilsl] '~'~'I~.,;,;";""'~''i~~ 1 ==~hier""~Itf~'h: in ~"~london "'~'~'~'~h'~~~wohnhaft =
ehal show ['lfa!1 .foul UK Talkshow
disrepair: laii into -l,dlsri'pc3l verfallen
, I

.$120 10


ondon is an expensive city, Londen renls are astronom-
kai, and artisls 1e.ru1 to be poor. The solution? SQ.u..a1: empty buildings. The Oubliette, a group ef London-
!la2d artisls, is making a n.a.m.e. for ilself, not necessarily
through its work but by occupying empty propertjes i n
upmarket parts of lown, like Mayfair and Leicester Square.
Sut Dan Simen, Ihe group's sookesmao, insisls Ihal Ihey
are not ordinary SQuatters. Rather, he sees The Oubliette's
"resjdencies", as they cal! them, as a service to the laru1:
.l.!lli1s. The recession means that a tot of offices stand emp-
ty. "This invites oime," Si mon leid The Daily Telegraph,
adding thai unoccupied buildings eften fall into disrepajr.
The group wanls property magnales to lend them space in
which to hold exhjbjtions, plays, concerts and art classes.
As the group of artists sees it, the arrangement is a rti.n::
wjn proposjtioo: The Oubliette can work without having to
werry about lIlMlrul, and the buildings are kept in ~.
"It's an alternative way of offer ing extraordinarily wealthy
people a way to contribute to the arts without an enormous
oecunjarv investment," Simen told The Guardian.

Percentage 01 the
part-lime workforce
in Australia
that is lemale

Percentage of the
lull-time worklorce
in Australia
that is lemale

Art!eitnehmer(innen) mit
il j


I,WIß ,WIß rIl ;"Zl on) Parteien Vorteile brin
olM symbol morI<s _d US ptO<IUIIC," ... IPIM diHeB Irom"'_ UK ptO<IUIIClOl""'.

ewnoss SpoiIight 7
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