
(Chris Devlin) #1

world's supply of rare earths is eontrolled by China, and
most of rhe resources are in Chinese te rrirory. In Janu-
a ry 2010 , China even began ta lking about restricting irs
exports of rare earths a nd building up reserves, as rhe
country's own economy w ill need these metals to sup-
port further growrh. This straregy is pllrting pressure o n
the makers of green technologies around t he world.
Same com panies are a lready planning TO move their
production ro China in o rd er ro gain cheaper and bet-
ter accessibilirv ro rare earths. O rhers are simply ignor-
ing the problem and a re willing to accept higher prices
in rh e furure, says Professor Armin Reller, khai.r of solid-
sm[e chemistry ar t he University af Augsburg. He has
speilt years studying rh e effeet of lifestyles o n resources,
including rare ea rths. "Bur scarcity and geopoliricalis:
iUtS. mighr reducc accessibiliry a nd supply," he warned,
"in wh ich case, you may be read y tO pay more, but you
will not get th em."
American Jack Lifton, an inde pendent consulta nt
and specialisr in rare earths, has also been raisinc red
~. He feels that China's prices are " prcdatory" 111
acher wo rds, far too low. The prices are not determined •


Seeking rare earths:
more common than cold,
but hard to exttllCt

Which does what?
The rare earth elements consist cf 15 so-called lantbanjdes,
plus scandium and yttrium.
Number Symbol Name Some uses
57 LA lilIclllillcum fightlnj in 111m productlon
58 Ce WllIIII cigarette fighters, magnets

  1. p, praseodymium alrplane englnes, cigarene
    60 Nd ce:Qdxmium CD players. l asers
    61 Pm promethium light source, flUclear batterles
    62 Sm samartum nuclear reactors, optical glass

europium TVs, IlIm[l:~e:clliillll~
64 Gd gadolinium microwave ovens, computers
65 Tb terbium fluorescent lights,
66 0, dysprosium computers
67 Ho holmium magnets, lewelry

erbium medlcal lasers, fjber onll!;;s

  1. Tm thulium medlcal lasers
    70 Yb ytterbium to strengthen certaln types of
    71 L, lutetium to date the age 01 meteorites
    21 S, scandium sportlng equlpment , guns

  2. Y yttnum TVs. sPirk nluilS

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