
(Chris Devlin) #1


"I've been waiting a week for him to answer
my email."

BusintU Spodight 412010

Ich bin nicht ganz davon überzeugt, dass das
die beste Lösung ist.

In English, "satisfied" is often used
idiomatically in the sense of " convinced",
"free of doubts".

Business SpocIight 412010

"He is an acknowledged expert in his field."

If you're "competent", you are able to do your
jOb adequately - no more. Experts are far more
than just "competent", so "competent expert"
sounds illogical. " Acknowledged expert" is a
standard collocat ion. It means t hat the world
recognizes the person's expert status.
BusiMSSSpx/igtIt 4/ 2010

In informal North American English, a pink slip is
a letter informing an employee that he or she will
have to leave the company. It is called that
because letters of termination were traditionally
printed on pink paper. Here, the speaker is saying
that John has lost his job.


BusintUSpldight 412010

"After showering, shaving and dressing for work,
Brad admired himself in the mirror."

The verbs shower, shave and dress are typically
used without a reflexive pronoun, except in the
context of physical disability or dependence:
"Only one arm is broken - I can dress myself. "

BusiMSSSpocIight 412010

"Is that ' E' as in 'elephant'?"

In English, when giving an example word to
make sure a letter is understood correctly, one
says "as in" rather than "Iike".

BusiMSSSpxIigh\ 412010

"Try as I might, I couldn't think of her name."

To think of something is to remember il or come
up wilh i1: " I couldn'llhink of a good excuse."
To think about something is to consider i1: "1'11
think about your suggestion and call you
tomorrow. "

BusintUSpldight 412010

A workaround is a way of bypassing a problem
without necessarily solving i1. The word is used
chiefly in computing contexts, but it is also
found in general business situations.

Umgehung eines Problems, Zwischen/6sung

BusinessSpxlight 412010
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