
(Chris Devlin) #1



Wo isst man in England, wenn es schnell gehen soll? KEN TAYLOR
weiß. was kleine Schnellrestaurants zu bieten haben.

In the offIce, after the meettng
Frank: Thanks, Sonja. Thai was a really useful meeting.
And I'rn so glad that you carne to see us in London at
last. It puts a different perspective on things when you
put names 10 faces. doesn't it?
Sonja: Yes, it does. I wish I could have come over sooner.
Frank: Have you got time for a.b.iU: to eat before you leave?
Sonj a: That's a good idea. My flight is late this evening.
Frank: l'm afraid there's not much choice round hefe. But
lhere's a really good greasy spoon jus! round the corner.
Sonja: A what?
Frank: Don't wony. It's jusl a friendly name for a local cafe
that serves cooked food, mainly for manual workers.
They da a great al1+day breakfast.
Sonja: How can you have an all·day breakfast?
Frank: Weii, it's usually the sort of food you get as an Eng·
lish breakfast in ahotel. And a big m.u.g of strang tea.
Sonja: Weii, I'm feeling hungry, so let's go.

Ken's AIf·Oay DIner
Owner ( Ken): What do you want Ihen, ~? The usual?
And what about you, love?
Sonja: I'm not sure, reaiiy.
Frank: You can chaase any combinalion you like.
Sonja: Maybe bacon. I iike Eng!ish bacon. And tomatoes.
And mushrooms. And sausages. And what's "b.I.!.b.ble."?
Frank: "Bubble and~" - it's potato and cabbage,
fried together. It tastes rouch better I han it sounds!

bite: 01 - to eat [ban] ____ einen Happen zu essen
bubble l'b"b'lI brodeln, sprudeln
cabbaBe ['k~bld31 Kohl
change [tJClndJ] Wechselgeld
tonsultancy ]bn'~,,1I:H1~j 1 Beratungs:fif'~'=,,====
counter I'kaumal Theke
diner ['dama] E$$Iokal
get st "-:-/gCl] dml. ~~"'_ hier: etw. bezahlen
greasy spoon J,gri:si 'spu:nl UK ifml. billises Speiseloki!1
(Ireasy feUlg)
mate [m('lI] UK ifml. Kumpee' : ;====
mUB Im,,!!] Becher,_,
mushroom l'm"Jroml (Speise·)Pill
put a name to iI l itte Jmdn. persönliCh kennen
I,pot ~ ,nClm tu,) ' fclsl lernen
slice Islalsl Scheibe
squeak Iskwi:k1 qUleken:-----
tin [iIriJ- Dose
tip(lIpj Trinkgeld

80 BusinessSpollight

Sonja: OK, then. And beans. What sort of beans?
Frank: They will definite(y be baked beans !rom a 00.
Sonja: And what is black pudding?
Frank: Oh, that's the British version of Blutwurst.
Sonj a: It says: "All served with a ~". Whal does that
Fr ank: A slice of white bread. You can have it f r ied or
toasted, if you want.

At the table
Sonja: This lea is very strong!
Frank: There'd be some complaints if it weren't! Put some
more milk in. Try a coupte of spoons of sugar. 100.
Owner: This is for you, love. Here's yours, mate.
Frank: Thanks, Ken. Looks great. as usual.
Sonja: Thank you.
Frank: You should have some brown sauce with it, or tomato
Sonja: Maybe 1'11 try both.
Frank: Have you had English sausages before?
Sonja: No. They da look a bit different from what I'm used
to. And they taste differ ent, too!
Frank: Different? Gaad or bad?
Sonja: I think you need to be born in the UK to really tike

Sonja: Weil, thai was really nlce. ( don' t think 1'11 be able
t o eat for the rest of the day!
Frank: I' m glad you enjoyed il, bul we should be going
soon. Ken will want to close the restaurant.
Sonja: I thought you said this was an all·day diner?
Frank: Yes, but it still closes al 3.30. He does open at
6.30 in Ihe morning though, for people who need a
caaked break fast belare some heavy work.
Sonja: Let roe W this. Where da I pay?
Frank: That's very nice. Thanks. Just go up 10 the ~
and Ken will tell you how much it comes to.
Sonja: 00 I give hirn a 1iD:?
Frank: There's a mug on the counter if you want to leave
something. t usuatly put the ~ in there.
Sonja: 1'11 tell Ken how much I enjoyed it. First time I've
been in a place like this.
Frank: But not Ihe last, by the sound of iti III

KEN TAYLOR IS a partner In Axiom. a communica·
hans coosullancy in London (www.axiomsklils.
com), and co--author 01 German Secrets: Achtung
to Zeitgeist, Bocks on Demand (BoD), ISBN 97B·
3·B391·9229·0. Contact: [email protected]

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