Who's who
itCcountant [:I 'kaOIlt:lnl)
alKlit , ,
auditor ['J:dlt"J
certified public ilCcoontant (CPA) US
[,tJu:t;xl' ,s:S:l lfa ld J pt.bllk .,'h unt.mt]
field audItor [' fi: ' ld ,J:dltJ)
Audltlnl bille.
annual audit r,a:nj u 31 'J:dnl
auditing [ ';):dlllg]
Buchprüfung. Revision,
auditlng of accounts Bilanz-, Rechnungs-
I,;ludi! J:drtlopinf) JY ion .l'kaUl'1('J:dll '~1 ~,plnj.;m] ~::..:==~pru~BestatigungsYefmerk ,"~"~g
audit report I ':,:du ri,pJ:t] Prüfungsbericht ~
declarafion 01 compli~nce Entsprechenserkllirung
IdckIJ,l1.'lf·n ~y k~l1l'pl:u~ns)
lis.t~1 year !.flsk.) 'j IJ)
statutory audit !.~t!rlful:lri ';):du]
Flnanclal statements
GescMl tsjahr
balante sheet l 'ba:l;)ns Ii:1] Bilanz
intome statement !'mk" m ,51CllmJnr]--Gewinn-und Verlust-
management repor1
I ri,P;):I,';-__ _
__ ~'~~hnung (GuV)
l agebeflchl
LSlerlm~nt J V 'k<eJ flJoOz 1 ~ __
statement 01 t hanges in !inandal positionBewegungsbilanz.
l,st c l1m;mt 3" ,tJemd3lz In KapItalflussrechnung
Prlnelple., .tandard. Ind code.
fair ptesentation f true ~nd fair view US den tatsachlichen Ver·
[,fC:I ,prez>f1'le lfonl , Iru: Jn ,k~ 'vju:) hli!tnlssen entspre-
Generalf, Accepttd :''':::::Account;0, lng o----c'~ a... llgemem ,,";'!des 811,~'anerkann:;;;;=.te ;:--
Principtes (GAAPj [,d3cn>f:lli Prinzipien der Buch-
Jk,SCp!ld J'kaunug ,prllls~p')~] führung, Grundsatze
International Finantial
Standards (IFRSj
ImJ,IIJri'a:I:lli , prm SJP.il
principle of completeness
I.prmS:lpol ;w k~Ii:ln3S 1
---;'G~,"',;n'dsatz der Voll-
principle 01 cOflservatism I prudence 'IorslchtsprmZlp
principle [,prmsJpol J V ,k~n's3:YJ,IIZJm I
'pro:d'ns ,prmsJpot]
Audltlnl term.
iS5uranu [3'f:l:r.ms),=~ __ _
compliance [kJm'pl313nsl
SlcherOelt, GewissheIt
Emhallung (von Geset-
zen. Verordnungen und
conlormance [bn'b:m3ns]
CorTective Preventative Action
__ _ iO~"'~,~,,,,,instimmUng
Ersuchen um Korrek-
Request (CPAR) I.k;,rl'kllv pri,YCnlJllv tur· und VorbeugemaS·
'lek!-n ri,kwc~ll
For more information
fa.,naonJ.J pJ':uJonl BOOK
Balance-Ih.et Iteml
iusets and Ii~bllities Aktiva und Passiva
I.ll'SCIS Jn ,IaIJ'bIlJ"';""~ __ ---7.;", ..
goc:xlWiln ,god'wJI] GeschJlts-, Flf~
inventories ('mvJnIMiz] VorratsvermOgen
liability 1,lal,l'bll;)lill payable I 'pel;).,.I! VerbmdIiChkelt---
property, plant and equipment Sachanlagen
~receivable p~ti ,plu:n! lri'si:v:lb':md l ] 1 '~mJ,ul ---Forderuna ~~!=====
reservts lri'u:v~) Rücklagen
- Pr;nciples of Auditing: An Introduf:tion 10 I n ternational
Standards on Auditinl , Prentice Hall, Rick Hayes et al"
ISBN 978-0-273-6 84 10-7, (44.99.
INTERNET - fnron (the play): http://www.enrontheplay.com
- The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales,
[http://www.icaew.com(seethereport](http://www.icaew.com(seethereport) "Evolut ion: Changes in Finan-
cial Reporting aod Audit Pracllce", ISBN 978-1-84152-818-2).
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1 -- 1 More vocabulary al http://www.business-spotlight.deNocabulaI}'
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