U.S. MfUnw
May and December at work
orget about Mars and~. The next challenge at work is not about men
and women, but young and old. In the U.$., bosses are getting younger,
while workers are getting alder. The trend is known as the "May- December
workplace." According to a new ~ by CareerBuilder.com, 43 percent of
workers aged 35 and older have bosses who are younger. Fifty-three percent
01 workers over 45 have younger bosses. For workers who are over 55 , the num-
ber rises 10 69 percent.
Yet the May-December workplace can function weil, according to Rosemary
Haefner, yice presjdent of human resources at CareerBuilder. "By looking past
their differences and focusing on their strengths, workers 01 any age can
mutually benefit trom those around them," Haefner says. Interestingly,
younger workers say they have the most trouble working for a young boss (see
the diagram belowl.
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- TI ... symbOl _ ... Slandord us l)<OrIu""i. l'on [hol d, ll ... from '''''''lId UK Plonu""i'hon,
1 _.) Read more StOfies ooline: http://www.business-Spotlight.de/news
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