
(Chris Devlin) #1


Praxiswörterbuch Fußball
Just in time for the World Cup in , .... "
Sout h Africa, this dictionary will be
useful for coaches, players,~,
journalists and fans alike. It eontains !!!!:!~~~!!:~
around 5,700 terms from the world 01 football in Eng-
l ish, German and French. In an appendjx, football strat-
egies are illustrated. You can also learn about the histo·
ry of UEFA (Union 01 European Foot ball Associationsl,
as weil as international football competitjons. An index
in each of the three languages helps you to find what you
are looking for. Langenscheidt (in cooperalion with
UEFA1, ISBN 978-3-8 61 17-324-3, €17 .95."

Business Sprachkurs English
This in teractive business Enl!:lish course fo-
cuses on how to communicate in authentie
jOb situations. USinl!: the CD-ROM, you can
practise and check your communication and
pronunciatjon skifis. You can enter a "virtual
classroom", where you are oftered the oppor-
tunity 01 studyinl!: online tOl!:ether with a lan-

  • gual!:e teacher - as weil as practisinl!: your
    pronunciation in a kind of "Jw:am bar", us-
    inl!: speeches by lamous people. The dialogues from the au-
    dio CD are all printed in the textbock. Digital Pubfishinl!:,
    ISBN 978-3-86976-006-3, €49.99.*

"These produels lIIe avallable Irom ti_~ 1

appendix l<'l' pcndrks]
competition l,knmJ'l,,'trJ·n]

~raDke networiring l' nelw3:['k~ri';MJki]I~kr~~~lJl =~
phrase IfrelZ]
pronuf\Ciation Ipr<'l,n ... ns i'erJonJ
referee t,ref;'/' ri:] --~

WeIlstreli ; hrer:
Iwg. Ausspr~hel
Kontaktaufbau und ·pflege

topic (' toprk]
u pdate sth. L~p'dcrll --''2"'.:., den neuesten

vivid t'v rvrd]

_______ ~S"."~"~di'b'·"'" •• ~."~=,,-
lebendrg, anschaulich

Vocabulary (P<lIe 72); Grammar (pale 73):


~ Your Business Vocabulary
This book helps you to improve your
business English vocabulary. It in-
c(udes words and ~ you need on
business t fips and at meetinl!:s, in mar-
keting, public relations, international
Irade and for your daily office work -
'or example, writing letters, making
phone calls and dealinl!: with com-
plaints. You can test yOUf know(edge
and practise all these ~ with a variety of exercises. So·
lutions are at the end of the bock. Barry Baddock, Susie Vro-
bel, Hueber Verlag, ISBN 978-3·19-257918-9, (7.95.*

Dealing wit h Difficult People
You can choose your friends, but you
can't choose your colleagues - or
your customers. ConfJicts in the work-
place are common, and this bock of-
fers useful tips on how !o solve !hem.
Whelher you need 10 deal with difficult
or aggressive customers, handle con-
lIiet situations, or encourage unmoti-
vated colleal!:ues, you can find help
here. Using ~ and clear language,
author Roy Lilley describes the situation, looks for the rea·
sons behind it, and suggests a solution. Roy Lilley, Kogan
Page, ISBN 978-0-7494-5660-3, [9.99.

Networking in English; Informal Com-
munication in Business
Doing bUSiness with Enl!:lish-speakinl!:
business partners also means knowinl!:
how to communicate with them infor·
mally. This eoursebook - complete
with an audio CD - provides you with
the language you need not only for
sma[[ talk, but also to find the ril!:ht

-.-... _-
in English

words in a variety of situations. A choice of exercises and
group activities ofters you the opportunity to practise these
skj)ls. Barney Barrett, Pet e Sharma, Macmillan/Hueber,
IS8N 978-3- 19-072884-8, €18.95.*

English lor ... auditing (pai' 82):

. ) roadwork5
' ) (ane

.) lewe. ("Iess" Dlten used inlormally)
b) a hllie

a- l : b-1: e- 3: <1- 1 (CPA", cerlifred publle ac·
eDunlan!; ISA. Inl e.natronal Standa.d on Au-
drlm2: GAAP • Generally Accepled Accountmli
PrlflC.pln); .... 2

,) d~
d) traflie Irght5
.) pedesurans


g ive way
,) I.aflic Signs
h ) road WOfk~


tralll(; bar.oers I eones
n cones I I.a'he bafflers
k) ha.d hall hlgh·v,s'bility wa;stcoat
I) high·vis'b,hlY wa,stcoat I hard hat


~I much
d ) many
e) lew of
Trick)' Translations

  1. They sat oppos,te each olhe •• I They UI
    across IfIlm each othn.

  2. Das war die drJmmsfe VItf;:aufsmasche. die
    Ich ,e geMrt hilbe!

l egal Engtish (pale 86):
11 ) hpress Irusts
bl t.ustee
cl benelieiery
d ) Will
e) charrtable
I) obJe<:IS

Business Spol6gftI 87
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