
(Chris Devlin) #1
512010 PREVIEW.

http://www.busine88-sp otlight. d e In the next issue


Working with Mexicans Short and sweet
Mexieo is at the heart of the American eontinents and Written business language has ehanged dramat ieally
is the world's most populouS Spanish-speaking eountry. in recent years. with the inereased use of email, text
In our Intercultural Communication feature, we talk to messages, soeial networks and instant messaging.
two experts about the eountry's strategie importance Test and improve your writing skills for modern media
and provide tips for doing business with Mexicans. with the help of our special Language article.

Social skills for networking
Most people spend too little t ime networking, although it is a vital

ski 11 for international business. You need to build and maintain a

network of key contacts for a wide range of work situations. We

show you how to improve your teehniques.


Sllll P!

Improve your



with our new

24-page guide

In the next I ssu e .. _


IN FOCUS: key computer verbs
FAlSE FRIENOS, beamer, dates
ClOSE RELATIONS, the "use" family

BlISinessSpouight 512010 is on sale f rom 18 August 2010

Business Sjxldight 91
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