Creative Artist - Issue 10_

(ff) #1
This page
Top: E macrocarpa
Above: Bungendore

Opposite page
Top: Gang Gang Trio
Bottom: Yarro Sail
>> Boats

elen itzgerald

in Milan to paint part of the old city which I
successfully completed there. I still have my
sketchbooks from that period, as I also sketched in
the UK and France.
After my return to Australia in 1971 I moved
to Wagga Wagga and then to New Guinea before
settling in Queanbeyan. I took a part-time position
for three years at the School of Art in Canberra
after which I taught watercolour in diferent TAFE
colleges. A change followed with some years
teaching migrant English and then a decade
tutoring at Canberra University (Science faculty).
I have now been teaching and painting in
the Canberra region since 1973 and run

regular classes, particularly in Bungendore.
My preferred medium has now become
watercolour as I am constantly fascinated by
what this medium can do. I enjoy painting
landscapes and portraits. I am also fascinated
by wildlife and our native lora and fauna and
like to portray these in order to bring them to
the attention of people who may not know just
how interesting they are.
Widely represented in Australian and overseas
collections, I have illustrated six books on
Australian lora and fauna, and I exhibit regularly
at Botanica in Sydney, and Melbourne’s Botanic
Garden’s botanical exhibition and was a founding
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