Creative Artist - Issue 10_

(ff) #1


acceptably sharp will vary according to the angle of
movement to the camera. If you are doing blur with
moving animals, it is important to have the eyes in
sharp focus as the eyes are the focus of life to the
soul and connect us.
The art photographer concentrates on abstract
concepts from everyday subjects; this gives license
to choose any idea and explore any theme, be
it beautiful or grotesque, looking at things in a
challenging perspective viewpoint in the same way as
contemporary artists select and present their artwork.
Long exposure times will produce extreme blur to
create that contemporary/abstract look, for example
moving night traic’s trailing lights. Mount your
camera on a tripod or sit it on a secure support so
you can experiment by zooming in or out while the

shutter is open. To create wave lines of colour, try
hand-held shots on a long exposure. The good thing
about DSLR cameras is you can experiment without
cost until you get it right; it is all about practice
whether it is photography or artwork.
For detailed nature shots of wildlife or family
pets, use a 70mm to 400mm zoom lens while
hand-holding, set camera on AF sports mode
and stabiliser and then watch and wait for that
opportune moment, and when the object moves, hit
and hold down the shutter button, ensuring you will
have multiple images from which to choose. When
photographing wildlife you will need to be patient
and in a quiet spot, as any noise or movement can
alert animals and lush them away, and a good
photographic opportunity gone with it. ■

Right: Jet skiing, fast moving, hand-held from a
house boat with unsteady panning on a moving
object. The stabiliser has been a big help, taken
with 400mm zoom lens Fstop 8, Shutter speed
2000, ISO 100
Below left: Jet skiing panning in close, hand-held
taken from a house boat with unsteady footing.
The stabiliser has been a big help, taken with
400mm zoom lens mode Fstop 8, Shutter speed
2500, ISO 100.
Below right: Noisy Friarbirds ighting over
nectar-illed blossom in freeze-frame, taken with
400mm zoom lens Fstop 8, Shutter speed 1600,
ISO 100.


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