Creative Artist - Issue 10_

(ff) #1
This page:
Top: Beaumaris Beach
Vic – Watercolour
Above: Mt Buller Vic –

Opposite page:
Blairgowrie Back Beach

opportunity to explore her artistic impressions was
at the various places she served overseas. Initially
self- taught, she enjoyed the North American
continent where there were no boundaries and little
experience, and her paintings were colourful and
textured using a palette knife.
On returning to Melbourne, it was time to take
more of an interest in expanding her knowledge
of painting. In order to move to a higher level of
painting, it was necessary to study with tutors who
could help her move forward. Val has studied art at

the Council of Adult Education in Chinese Painting,
Watercolour and Acrylic abstract. Her tutors have
been Walter Magilton, Herman Pekel, Susan O’Brien,
Judith Henshaw, Ev Hales and Malcolm Beattie. She
has participated in many workshops including those
by Kasey Sealy in NSW, and Joseph Zbukvic, Amanda
Hyatt at the Wiregrass Gallery, Eltham and Malcolm
After retiring, she went on art trips to China
headed by Kevin Taylor; Corfu, Greece with Warren
Curry; a trip to the Canadian Rockies/Alaska; trips to

Val Porteous

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