Creative Artist - Issue 10_

(ff) #1
This page:
Top left: The Crags,
South Coast – Oils
Top right: Tide's Out

  • Oils
    Bottom left: Barham
    River Apollo Bay –
    Bottom right: View from
    Sunline Drive – Oils

Opposite page:
Top left: Seagulls
at Beaumaris –
Top right: Walking the
Dog - Oils
Bottom right: Flinders
Ranges – Acrylic Val Porteous

organisers of the Heidelberg Artist Society and the
Heathcote Art Society.

Artist Comment
It is always possible to set up a still life or paint a
portrait where the light stays the same, but the real
challenge is to interpret the land and sea with its
ever-changing atmosphere. As well as this, if you
wish to sell your work, the painting needs to appeal
to the public.
Art is a way of indulging my creativity, to lose
myself in my work. I do not always feel like painting.
Sometimes, to get myself in the mood, I go through
my art books and some of the small watercolour
sketches painted on location, which I keep for
reference. If I set a day aside to paint, I might
do this research the night before and set up my
equipment ready for an early start. I use a mobile

trolley for watercolours which I can move around or
out of the way should it be necessary.
While I was working, my plan was to learn as
much as I could about painting, doing as much as
possible. If you want to paint, you have to ind the
time to do it. Join the local art societies in your area
and join groups or art classes. There are a multitude
of art instruction books and videos. Collect your
own material. When you get to a certain stage,
then decide whose advice to follow, but always
keep your own goals in mind. Listen to constructive
criticism, but most of all, have fun painting.

Contact details:
Email: [email protected]
Address: Lower Plenty, Melbourne, Victoria
Mobile: 0419 342 206
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