
(Jacob Rumans) #1




Wura-Natasha Ogunji & Ruby Onyinyechi Amanze
Omenka Gallery, Lagos, Nigeria

by Obidike Okafor

Wura Ogunji and Ruby Amanze visualise questions and experiences of navigating life as
nomadic hybrids in their latest exhibition, titled ‘Magic.’ The fifteen works on display at
the Omenka Gallery in Lagos narrate Amanze and Ogunji’s love of drawing and are the
result of growing up and living in different nations across the globe.

‘Magic’ conjures up the fluid nature of identity caused by moving between places;
languages, cultures and ideas, while creating an illusion initiated by blurred physical
boundaries – leading to a new form of existence where meaning is lost between reality
and fantasy.

The collaborative flame began to burn for the duo when they first met in Lagos in 2012.
Ogunji was born and grew up in the United States but travelled to Nigeria after being
awarded a Guggenheim fellowship, while Amanze – who was born in Nigeria but grew
up in the United Kingdom and the United States – was in Nigeria as a Fulbright Fellow.

The meeting led them to develop an artistic vocabulary and new techniques in drawing
that both Amanze and Ogunji use to construct their own stories; scrutinising cultural
multiplicities, travel, migration and shifting identities.

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