76 CANADIAN A RT • SPRING 2013 canadianart.ca 77
P a p i e r 1 5 / Galerie Graff
M i c h a e l V i c k e r s / Patrick Mikhail Gallery
Over the past eight years,
Montreal’s Papier has built a
reputation as a tightly edited fair.
With a free series of educational
programming, including talks and
guided tours, the fair offers as
much for the first-time buyer as
it does for the bona fide collector.
This year’s instalment expands,
bringing 38 galleries, 400 artists
and an estimated 20,000 visitors
to the Old Port of Montreal.
G u y M a d d i n / Lisa Kehler Art and Projects
P a p i e r T a l k s / Andréanne Roy (left), Hugues Charbonneau, Émilie Grandmont
Bérubé and Rhéal Olivier Lanthier
Jean-Michael Seminaro
Jean-Michael Seminaro
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