Quilting Arts - February-March 2016_

(Grace) #1


Th ese materials and tools will be necessary
for most of the processes in this series.

  • A printing surface. Cover your work
    surface with plastic sheeting. Th en put
    down some padding—such as acrylic
    craft felt or batting—followed by a
    sturdy fabric layer, such as canvas. Th is
    top layer will eventually be covered by
    extra paint and need replacing, but it’s
    usually quite beautiful and can be used
    for other projects.

  • Fabric to print on. I like cotton. When
    printing with paint, the fabric does not
    need any special preparation.

  • Paint. Predominantly, we will work with
    textile paint or fabric screen printing inks
    in this series. For the techniques in this
    installment, it is important to use screen
    printing ink. It is formulated to dry slower
    which helps prevent damage to the
    screen. Th ere are many brands to choose
    from but make sure you are using a paint
    formulated for this technique.

  • Applicators. Foam brushes,
    paintbrushes, and a squeegee.

method #1

basic Th ermofax

broken Th ermofax

shaded Th ermofax

Th is fabric is, essentially, a mop-up cloth from
two of these techniques; the yellow came from
the fern mask and the red from the embroidery
hoop screen.

method #3
hoop printing

method #2
mask printing
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