My fi rst job in the textile industry was at
an old mill in Argentina that specialized in
hand screen printing silk for ties. I saw up
close the handcrafted work that defi ned
textile factories. New technologies brought a
shift in the business and machines began to
replace the hand of the artist. As I witnessed
the transition, one of my dreams became to
preserve the handcrafted work that had been
the hallmark of textile making.
I print exclusively on linen, which is woven
from naturally sustainable fl ax fi bers—with
the added benefi t that it gets a little more
beautiful every time you wash it. Hand
washing and line drying (out of direct
sunlight) increases color longevity.
I work from a home-based studio. My
14-foot printing table is the centerpiece of
the room and the screens are the soul of the
place. I like to print fabric by the yard.
I am always in the hunt for natural
variations that transform the imperfections
into something attractive. I keep a journal to
translate thoughts that I will want to work
on when I am back in my studio.
The hand screen-printed process produces
natural variations and an imperfect beauty
that sets them apart and would set apart any
quilt made with them. My fabrics are 100%
linen and hand screen-printed at my studio
in Florida.
Celina Mancurti
Celina at work in her studio
Tools of the trade in Celina’s
studio (above).