
(Nora) #1


What exactly is White Balance?
White Balance (WB) is a setting within
our digital cameras that helps in
eliminating unwanted colour casts in
our photos.

But why is it called ‘White’ Balance?
It is an accepted fact that if white
objects in our photos appear white

  • that is, without any other colour
    maligning its whiteness – then all other
    colours will appear ‘correct’, without
    any colour cast. In other words, the
    scene would appear ‘neutral’.

But, why can’t the camera, by itself,
give us ‘proper’ colours?
The colours that we see in our photos
are dependent on the colours of the
surrounding light. As an example, if
we were to use two coloured lights –
say, one blue and the other red – and
light up a portrait with these lights,
we would have a portrait with one
side of the face blue and the other red!
Remember, whatever is the colour of
the light, is the colour of the photo.

Let’s take this a bit further. You are
photographing this beautiful white

Setting proper White Balance (WB) is very important if

you want your images to be without any unwanted colour

cast. I’m sure most photographers know this and yet,

either out of sheer carelessness or with utter disregard,

many photographers continue to take pictures without

paying due attention to this very important camera

setting. In this write-up, in the form of questions and

answers, we aim to set things right.

statue, outdoors. You take two shots

  • one in the afternoon and the other
    in the late evening. The afternoon
    shot will show the statue as white,
    but the late evening shot of the same

Rohinton Mehta

white statue will be yellowish-orange.
Why does this happen? Simple. The
late evening light is yellowish-orange.
Remember? Whatever is the colour of
the light, is the colour of the final photo.

The left side is lit with blue light; the right with red.



Smart Photography January 2016
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