
(Nora) #1

Edit Options
These are specific editing options that help you
to easily edit the image. The options include
Enhance, Lasso, Chroma, Touchup, Highlighter,
Eraser, Edit Photo, Index Print, and Face Crop.
We will learn about these in detail in subsequent

Alignment and Renaming
This group of controls has four buttons—
Resize, Rename, Rotate Clockwise, and Rotate

Resize: This option allows you to resize the
images individually or as a batch. The new
menu that pops up has
options to resize it as
percentage or you can choose
one of the pre-set sizes from
the drop-down. If you want the
aspect ratio to be maintained,
check the option box below the
size setting.

You can also edit the pre-set
sizes or add new size by clicking
the Edit button. (5.2_Edit)

In this menu, you can type
a name for the new size and
specify the unit, size, width, and
resolution in ppi (indicated as

Rename: This option lets you
rename the selected files as a
sequence. You can specify the
file name and add a ‘#’ symbol
to include a single digit number
as suffix.

Selected Images
Edit Xpress allows you to do
simple edits on images as a
batch. This field shows how
many images are selected in the

Detailed Editing
There are two buttons here—
Xpress Batch and Xpress Edit.
Xpress Batch option lets you
edit images as a batch. The
edits performed are applied
to all selected images. Xpress
Edit option is the detailed Edit
menu of the software and this
provides extensive options for
editing images.

Edit Xpress is a very light
software and does not require
powerful systems to support,
unlike full-fledged editing suites
like Photoshop. Next month,
we will learn more about the
software and its terrific editing
options. |SP



Rename 83

Smart Photography January 2016
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