
(ff) #1
30 Artists & Illustrators




ROBERT HENRI (1865 – 1929)
Robert Henri (pronounced Hen-rye) was born
in Cincinnati, Ohio and was one of the most
influential teachers of art in the USA at the
beginning of the 20th-century. He had an
extraordinary gift for verbal communication,
with the personality and prophetic fire that
transformed pupils into idolaters.
During an extremely active life as an artist,
Henri exercised considerable influence as a
portrait painter. His portrait paintings
embodied the use of a colourful palette,
facile brushwork, as well as an ability to
catch a fleeting expression. He also painted
landscapes and made several trips to
Ireland’s west coast.
Later he painted in Santa Fe, New Mexico
where he found the locale as inspirational as
the Irish countryside. Henri’s paintings
feature in many prominent American
Museums and art galleries.

made quite an impression on me, so I ordered my
own copy. Since then it has been a constant
companion beside my easel and has influenced
my way of working at various stages of my
professional career. The Art Spirit by Robert Henri
was originally published in 1923 and was
compiled by Margery Ryerson. Henri’s classic is
often referred to as the ‘Bible for artists’, and it
certainly lives up to its reputation.
Henri’s words are as relevant today as when
they were written and speak to the artist inside us
all. The book is primarily a compilation of notes,
articles and fragments of letters critiquing his
student’s work. With his teaching, he gave his
students, not a style, but an attitude to painting.
It transcends technical lessons and strikes at the
core of what it means to be an artist. I’ve found
his insightful observations about the nature of
seeing, of art and of beauty both motivating and
inspiring. Henri believed that all great art was the
expression of an individual’s innermost spirit; a
spirit lived fully and passionately.
Although much of the writing is focused on
portrait and figure work, I believe any artist will
find it enlightening and will certainly help you to
connect to your own ‘spirit’. So the next time you
are looking to feed your creativity, I recommend
not just dipping into your paints, but also into this
gem of a book too. Robert Henri once said: “In
certain books – some way in the first few
paragraphs, you know that you have met a
brother”. I know that in my case, The Art Spirit
provided the perfect creative soulmate.


ver the years I’ve always found it useful
to keep a notebook with me to record,
amongst other things, quotes from great
artists and other inspirational people. These
words of wisdom are little bite-sized nuggets that
stimulate and inspire creativity. They have been
extremely useful in shaping my own views about
painting, and I also share them with my students
in my teaching capacity.
It was whilst I was running one of my painting
courses that I was introduced to The Art Spirit by
one of my students. This modest paperback

ABOVE Robert Henri, Mary
Fanton Roberts, 1 917,
oil on canvas, 81x66cm,
bequest of Mary Fanton
TOP RIGHT Ray Balkwill,
Passing Shower over the
Skelligs, oil on board,
Spirit is an essential part
of Ray’s painting armour

30 Ray Balkwill.indd 30 12/05/2016 09:28

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