Yachts & Yachting — February 2018

(Tina Sui) #1

Keep your weight stable... You trim-ease,

trim-ease and keep the boat flat - and it foils

Trainee instructors
get to grips with
a retro-fit kit,
which can remove
significant cost
The F101 oers
the option of
coaching on board


At the RYA
Dinghy Show
on 3-4 March
at Alexandra
Palace, London, Alan Hillman will
be talking about the development
of foiling and how you can get
involved. Catch him on the Suzuki
Main Stage at 12:00 both days.
For tickets and more information


An issue with all of these is that they
don’t solve the prime issue with foiling
boats: cost. One option that does
address this is the equipment from
Australian company Glide Free Foils,
that allows Lasers and RS Aeros to be
adapted with foils, in much the same
way at the RS600FF did a decade ago.
e Glide Free package for the Aero
for example, including shipping from
Australia, costs just over £3,000. is
opens the market to RYA Training
centres looking to oer the new RYA
foiling courses, which could potentially
use this gear as an introductory
option, especially as it is designed
to t boats they may already own.
As part of its investigations into
how it might be able to oer foiling
courses, the RYA tested various
equipment including the Glide Free
Laser and Aero adaptations, as well
as the Waszp, the foiler developed by
Mach 2 and Bladerider Moth designer,
Andrew McDougall, that is supposed
to be a ‘budget’ Moth, but still costs in
excess of £10k delivered to the UK.
According to Amanda Van Santen,
the RYA’s chief instructor, dinghy
and windsurng, and the person
spearheading the RYA’s foiling initiative,
during their equipment trials they
were especially surprised at how well
the RS Aero adapted with the Glide
Free package performed. ey even
feel it would be possible to carry out
a respectable foiling gybe on it.


e RYA has begun running specic
courses to train up both sailing and
windsurng instructors to teach their

new three part foiling syllabus. is will
comprise an introductory course – First
Flight – followed by the more advanced
Sustained Flight and Performance
Flight levels. Amanda recognises that
these courses won’t be on oer across
all RYA Training centres, but will
certainly be available from centres
such as Minorca Sailing or Wildwind,
while the likes of Mark Warner and
Neilson are also very interested.
So what level of experience is
required before embarking on one
of the new foiling courses? “A Level
2 sailor, someone happy sailing
something like a Laser in a decent
breeze, should be able to go foiling
with no problems whatsoever,” says
Amanda. “In light breeze you can
teach them the fundamentals of how
to sail the boat, and then control and

manage the environment they’re in
to get them foiling. We proved that,
both on the courses we have just
run, as well as with Minorca Sailing
this summer.” And obviously once
someone has learned the ropes on
these boats, they may then decide to
graduate up to a full-blown Moth.
Alan Hillman’s Pro-Vela training
centre in Spain’s Mar Menor has been
oering specialist coaching since the
dawn of Moth foiling. Hillman shares
some of its philosophy: “When we are
teaching someone to Moth sail, the three
big issues are body weight, steering and

trimming. e steering and trimming
provide your balance. With steering –
you need to steer in a straight line; while
you need to keep your body weight
stable, so don’t hike or throw yourself
around. If you don’t move and you don’t
steer, then the only variable you have
is trimming. So then you trim-ease,
trim-ease and you keep the boat at
and the boat foils – it is that easy...”
However Amanda issues a
warning that those looking to take
up foiling need to manage their
expectations! Like any aspect of the
sport of sailing, to be able to foil well
requires practice, but the new RYA
courses can help with this process.
It is also worth considering that while
the RYA is looking at foiling in terms of
how it might be adopted by the wider
public, for aspirant sailors looking
to progress up the sport towards the
America’s Cup or Volvo Ocean Race or
Vendée Globe, foiling skill is no longer a
fringe requirement – it is fundamental.

50 Yachts & Yachting February 2018

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