Yachts & Yachting — February 2018

(Tina Sui) #1
What’s the big picture?
We don’t have to process all the
information all the way around the
course. An informed look (and if possible
a practise beat) before the start can
usually narrow the basis for ‘staying’
or ‘going’ to one or two key factors.

Where are the gains?
A winning strategy for the beat weighs
up the potential gains available from
any environmental factors aecting
the wind and water on our race course.
Questions we might aim to answer are:
znCan I see more pressure (wind
strength) on one side of the race
course compared with the other?
znIs there any tidal or current
gradient over the race course? Does
the tide strength or direction vary
from one side to the other and does
that give an advantage to one side?
znIs there any possibility of a
wind bend (the wind is blowing
in a dierent direction at the top
of the course to the bottom)?
znAm I expecting the wind to shift
persistently in one direction?
znIs the water flatter on one part of
the course compared to another?
For each ‘yes’, there are further
considerations: how certain am I and
how big is the advantage available
from each? It’s surprising how
often the process of asking these
questions is enough to draw some
simple conclusions about what is
going to be important on today’s


it in the race is an e‘cient way to build
experience of what works and when.

Hopes and fears
Am I happy to risk everything to try to
win the race by a leg, or just happy to
arrive at the windward mark in touch
with the leaders? How confident am
I that my gains prediction is correct,
or that the wind will continue to shift
regularly about a mean? If I’m less
certain, or less willing to take a chance
on a big gain on my own, the position
of the next mark and the rest of the
fleet will take a bigger part of my ‘stay
or go’ decisions. Even if you’ve spent
most of the beat chasing the gains or
tacking on the shifts, positioning rules
will take over as the beat progresses.

Time to choose
The choice to tack or continue can
be based on any one of three areas
of influence: sailing to an area of the
race course that gives a gain; sailing
the shortest distance by keeping
on the lifted tack, or minimising
risk and maximising opportunity if
something changes through positioning
against the fleet or the course.
znLooking for the gains? Don’t get
pushed around by the other boats:
take every opportunity to work toward
the favoured side of the course,
and keep going till you get there.
znTacking on the shifts? So long
as there is a regular pattern and
you are confident that there will be
at least two cycles per beat, tack
whenever you are headed below
the average heading on that tack.
znNot confident about what is
going to happen next? Use the safe
positioning rules: start on the tack
that takes you closest to the mark,
keep away from the laylines, and tack
and cross or close gauge on boats to
windward whenever the wind heads.

race course, and if there is time to
test it before the start, even better.

How is the wind shifting?
The character of the wind shifts on
race day have a significant eect
on how we might react to them:
znWhat is the shift range? Small
(up to 10 degrees range), or large?
znIs the pattern regular and repeating,
or apparently completely random?
znAre the shifts oscillating in a
smooth continuous pattern, or in
a discrete, instantaneous way?
znHow many shifts will we
experience on average per beat?
The bigger and more regular the shifts,
the more likely they are to aect our
choice of whether to tack or carry on.
One of the things that makes sailing
tactics and strategy so interesting, and
means there is a chance for everyone to
win a race on the day, is that the gains
from the factors listed above can be very
similar: I’ve seen plenty of races where
the boat that stayed in phase with the
wind shifts arrived at the first mark neck
and neck with the one that headed for
the edge of the race track for the extra
pressure. Some classes gain so much
from a bit of extra pressure that shifts
have to be huge to dominate; others lose
little tacking but sail at the same speed
through a range of wind strengths.
In small boats we can’t rely on
calculations to prioritise or rule out any
specific factors, but coming up with
your own practical model then testing

An informed look can narrow the basis for

staying or going to one or two key factors

The decision to
tack is the result
of considering a
number of factors
Fleet positioning
can be just as
important as
picking the
right shift


The rules of
On sale
09 February

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