Canal Boat — February 2018

(ff) #1 Canal Boat February 2018 37


September, and is limited to the area
above the Lowry footbridge (beyond that,
you’d need the full paperwork); you
should have a suitable anchor and line;
and anyone wanting to take a hire boat to
Salford Quays must provide written
permission from the hire company.
Some planning is required, as the
Bridgewater Canal Company needs at
least 72 hours notice that you want to use
Pomona Lock, which is the link between
the Bridgewater Canal and the Ship Canal.
In theory, lockings can take place at 8am
and 4pm Monday to Thursday, and 8am
and 2pm on a Friday. However, when we
came to book we were told that only 8am
lockings were possible – it all depends on
the availability of staff from the
Engineering Department. That means you
may need to be flexible with your plans.
There is a cost involved – not for the
Quays or that part of the Ship Canal, but
you do have to pay to use Pomona Lock.
The charge is currently £27.50 each way.
The trip itself is only a few miles, but it’s
full of interest. Pomona Lock is around
fifteen minutes boating away from
Castlefield basin in the centre of
Manchester, so that makes a good stop the
night before if you’re due at Pomona at
8am. The lock itself looks rather daunting.
It’s not the size as it’s no bigger than a
normal wide lock, it’s more the
surroundings which perhaps put people
off. The area is covered in graffiti, a bridge
carrying the tram crosses by the top of the
lock while the other end is under a road
bridge. It’s also fairly deep at twelve feet.

Two men from the Engineering
Department were waiting for us when we
arrived. They work the gates and paddles,
which are normally padlocked to prevent
passage. Once down, you find yourself in
the former Pomona Docks, which would
once have been busy with ships and
dockers, but are now largely overgrown or
being redeveloped for housing.
At the end of the dock you turn left for
Salford Quays, but we decided to turn right
to take in some of the upper reaches of the
River Irwell. In this direction there are

Modern liftbridge links to the Lowry

The visitor mooring for Salford Quays

Descending Pomona Lock

Old waterside factory and crane

Striking new Imperial War Museum building
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