Canal Boat — February 2018

(ff) #1 Canal Boat February 2018 43


canal was incorporated in them and ceased
to exist as a separate entity. Today freight
has left the docks, and the Isle is occupied
by the Canary Wharf tower and other
developments (and familiar to TV viewers
from the title sequence of EastEnders).
Meanwhile down the river at Woolwich,
the Royal Arsenal Canal’s only purpose
disappeared when the arsenal itself went.

If the Grand Surrey Canal had lasted just a
little longer, it might have still been with us
today. As the name suggests, it was
conceived as a rather more grandiose plan
to serve several parts of the county –
including Kingston, Mitcham and Epsom.
All that was actually built was a four-mile
canal from the Thames to Camberwell, and
a half-mile arm to Peckham.
But it performed a useful role carrying
timber, effectively as an extension of the
Surrey Docks, until docks and canal closed
around 1969. It was filled in (there had been
drownings), the Camberwell end formed
the nucleus of the new Burgess Park, and a
new road used its bed near Deptford.
If the canal had somehow survived,
might it have provided some much-needed
mooring space in the capital today?

Some canals simply didn’t live up to their
promoters’ hopes. A good example is the
Croydon Canal: conceived to connect
Croydon to the Grand Surrey Canal (and so
to the docks), it involved some heavy
engineering with 28 locks in the first couple
of miles as it climbed away from the
Thames into what is now south London, but
was then open countryside.
By the time the nine-mile canal was open
in 1809 it had cost three times the estimate,
it carried disappointingly little cargo, and it
sold out to a railway company who filled it
in and used much of the canal bed for their
line. Today, a canal reservoir survives as a
boating lake, and two fragments of the
actual canal survive in water, as a nature
reserve and a long thin park pond.
The Fleet Canal, a conversion of the tidal
length of the River Fleet, was another flop:
not helped by Smithfield Meat Market’s
“dung, gut and blood” ending up in its
waters, it was little used, and was covered

over in the 1730s. And the Kensington
Canal, another canalisation of a creek, was
an abject failure. Tidal restrictions and
silting added to its problems, and the
upper sections disappeared under a
railway by 1863 – although the lower end
survived, and the final length forms a
water feature in a new development today.
But if these canals might seem to have
proven over-optimistic, they’re as nothing
compared to the 1826 Grand Imperial Ship
Canal, whose 130 miles of ship-sized canal
would have linked London to Portsmouth.
However in spite of some money having
been raised, it was abandoned before
construction even began.

The London Canal Museum is situated on New
Wharf Road, 5-10 minutes walk from King’s
Cross and St Pancras stations, and backing on
to Battlebridge Basin on the Regent’s Canal. It
is open Tuesdays to Sundays from 10am to
4.30pm. The temporary exhibition London’s
Lost Canals is on display until April 2018.
The museum is a converted Victorian ice
house, with two huge ice wells under the
building which in the days before refrigeration
were used to store ice imported from
Scandinavia for distribution around London.
The museum therefore includes a display
about the ice trade, alongside its exhibits
dealing with London waterways, boats and
cargoes, horseboating and more.
For more information contact 020 7713 0836
or see



A rare visitor to the Dartford & Crayford

Testing a torpedo in the Royal Arsenal Canal

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