Last year’s Geek Quiz provoked
hysterical pleas for mercy. “It’s too
difficult!” some whined. “I should
have scored higher!” others bleat-
ed. The editors discussed the issue
and arrived at a consensus.
Technology isn’t for the weak or
faint-hearted. It evolves at a rate
that would have made Darwin’s
head spin. A single lapse in judg-
ment when you’re selecting com-
ponents for a new rig could cripple
the entire system and leave you
with little more than the processing
equivalent of a GameBoy Advance.
Needless to say, the more you
know about hardware, software,
and PC technology, the easier it will
be to make it all work for you.
We couldn’t put it any bet-
ter than Donald Rumsfeld, who
said “there are also unknown
unknowns—the ones we don’t
know we don’t know.” These time-
less words remind us of why
Maximum PC constructs a grueling
technology quiz every year. Our
goal is to help you find the gaps in
your understanding of tech-
nology so the “unknown
unknowns” become
known, and you
can know you
know them.
There are four stages to this
year’s quiz; if you can answer 90
percent of the questions correctly
in each stage, you’ve earned a
badge of geek honor. And by the
end of the quiz, you’ll know exactly
where you stand among your
propeller-head peers.
That’s a good thing to know you
know. Good luck!
Are you a bit-kicking alpha geek who dreams of floating code
in your sleep, or just a helpless sniveling PC poseur? It’s time
to find out exactly where you stand in the geek heirarchy
4th Annual