an, we’ve been stuck in the
mud cradling our authentic
bolt-action rifles for so long
we almost forgot how much fun
it was to dash around maps at full
speed, or how fulfilling it is to assail
a newbie with flak and taunts of,
“You play like a girl!” Reality-based
shooters are fine and all, but they
have dominated the online and
offline FPS scene for so long that
the arrival of the frenetically paced
and ridiculously over-the-top Unreal
Tournament 2004 is a huge breath of
fresh plasma.
As fanboys of the original UT , we
were none too pleased with last year’s
sequel, Unreal Tournament 2003. Most
of the weapons felt watered down
in terms of range and power, and
the new maps failed to excite us like
those in the original game.
Luckily, that has changed in this
year’s version,
because Epic
Games has gone
back to UT’s
roots. The weap-
ons have been
and new arma-
ments like the
spider mines
and the anti-
vehicle rocket
launcher are fun
to wield. On top
of this, Epic has
revived our favor-
ite game mode
from the origi-
nal—Assault—and added an awe-
some new challenge called Onslaught
that consists of huge, wide-open
maps, all-new vehicular combat, and
node-oriented warfare that makes for
riveting back-and-forth battles. And,
because all the content from UT2K3
is included, you essentially get two
games in one.
UT2K4 features 10 different game
types, so it’s likely you’ll find a style
that appeals to you. The package
also includes several new one-on-one
deathmatch maps for the hardcore
crowd, six Assault maps, and nine
Onslaught maps.
In a move that adds a remark-
able layer of depth to a typically
simple genre, Epic makes UT2K4’s
single-player campaign feel like a
franchise-oriented sports title such as
EA Sports’ Madden series. You draft a
team of players and fight other teams
in a series of matches. After a match,
you pay money to treat your injured
players, sign free agents, and even
challenge other teams to “Bloodrites”
matches, where the winner gets to
poach one of the losing team’s star
players. As far as single-player experi-
ences go, it’s a dramatic departure
that feels less exciting than, say, Far
Cry , but is certainly unique. And it’s
commendable that Epic took the
time to add nuance and strategy to
what could have been a flat-feeling
string of bot matches.
UT2K4 is the best value we’ve seen
in a long time. Between the online
and offline play, and the myriad
game types, it’ll be a long time before
you get bored. But most importantly,
it’s F-U-N. Even Maximum PC editors
Gordon Mah Ung and Will Smith,
both avowed Battlefield fanatics, have
become converts. The bottom line is
this: If you buy this game and can’t
find something about it to love, you
need help.
Unreal Tournament 2004
Finally, some good old-fashioned ownage!
MEGA KILL! After a disappointing sequel, UT makes a
comeback with all the subtlety of a nuclear explosion.
Tons of content, tons of fun.
Outdated graphics.
Get the Most from UT2004
UT2K4 includes a built-in music play-
er, but it won’t play VBR MP3 files.
UT2K4 is highly customizable. You can make
lots of tweaks and hacks to adjust perfor-
mance, graphics, and unlock secret effects. To
use these tech tips, go to C:\UT2004\System\
UT2004.ini and open the file in Notepad. You
should make a backup of this file as well, just
in case.
MEMORY: Find “CacheSizeMegs=32” and
change the number to whatever amount of
system memory you’d like the game to use. As a
general rule, set it to about 200MB less than
your total because you need some memory to
run your OS. The result will be faster level load-
ing times.
KEEP FRAMES UP: Locate “MinDesiredF
rameRate=35.000000” and input your minimum
desired frame rate. The game will automatically
toggle the visual eye candy to match the num-
ber you select.
default setting of “ConfiguredInternetSpeed=1
0,000” means you download info at 10kb/s, but
for LAN play, or if you have a T1 connection, set
the number to 20,000. Modem users should set it
to about 5,000.
PLAY YOUR OWN MUSIC: Hit F11 in-game
to open the included MP3 player. Select which
files you want to hear and commence rocking.
Every vehicle has a funny, alternate horn. To
enable it, press “~” to open the console and
type “set input X playvehicle horn 1” where X
can be any key. Once in a vehicle, press X to
hear the funny horn.