MaximumPC 2004 08

(Dariusz) #1



e’re quite skeptical about any kind of “PC-based
console” but we have to pay props to the whiz kids
down at Infinium Labs. The Lapboard is the compa-
ny’s unique new controller for the Phantom Gaming Service—
the PC equivalent of an Xbox or PS2—and it kicks ass. We got
a chance to play Unreal Tournament 2004 using this keyboard/
mouse hybrid, and the experience was sublime.
Dig this: The keyboard is mounted at one end to a hinge,
which can hold the entire keyboard up above the surface that
rests on your lap. When the keyboard is tilted up, the keys are
at a perfect angle for comfortable deathmatching, while the
lower surface is available for mousing with your right hand.
The entire keyboard pivots, so it’s suitable for left- or right-
handers, and the entire assembly folds down for easy storage.
If only we could buy one for our own living room PCs.
For the latest launch information and pricing, go to

The Lapboard in action. It might look a
little wonky, but it plays like a dream.

TechnoFile (^) Quick takes on technology trends
Infinium Labs Phantom Console and Controller
Quick Start
Infinium Labs’ Lapboard
in repose.
The Phantom Console
main unit.

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