
(C. Jardin) #1

porary, and digital art. Such an environ-

ment is an important factor in enabling
students to refl ect on their own prefer-
ences while fi nding new inspiration that

can infl uence the creation of a body of
work or portfolio.

Please tell us about LAAFA’s men-

tor program that allows third-year
students the chance to study with
any artist in the world.

Art is not easy; it requires an enormous
amount of time and dedication—for even
the more established artists. Students at

the start of their careers often have mis-
understandings about making art in gen-
eral and about making a life in the arts in

particular. Students may have absorbed
theoretical knowledge, but they haven’t
yet put this knowledge into practice.

LAAFA’s mentorship provides guid-
ance during the transitional period from
being a college student to becoming a
working professional. Such guidance

focuses on the individual and the specifi c
set of problems that he or she needs to
address to move forward. Mentors help

artists navigate a path so that they can
fi nd their own voice and begin to realize
the world around them—while testing

ideas with an artist they admire. The goal
of the mentorship program at LAAFA is to
give students the opportunity to expand

and evolve—so that they can communi-

cate with viewers on multiple levels, not
only visually but also emotionally.

LAAFA is unusual in its online
courses. What do you foresee as
the future of online learning?

With our current online courses
(artschoolvideos.com), students from all
over the world can take advantage of
developing and honing their craft by learn-

ing from top professional artists. With a
self-paced learning environment, students
have fl exibility with unlimited access to

online lessons that allow them to master a
skill at their own pace without the pressure
of a time limit. We are excited to announce

that in the near future, students who are
unable to attend LAAFA’s on campus Full-
Time Programs will have the opportunity

to receive an online accredited degree and
certifi cate. Online programs will mirror the
same balanced, sequential curriculum of
the on-campus programs.

Los Angeles Academy of Figurative Art
laafa.org; 818/708-9232

Study by current student
Nikita Budkov

Long Pose Drawing with instructor
Joseph Todorovitch

Dappled in Blue by graduate
Elyse Fulcher

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