Mother Earth News_December_2016_2017

(Barré) #1


Potato, Oatmeal, White, Potato, Oatmeal, White, Potato, Oatmeal, White,

and Rye with a Starterand Rye with a Starterand Rye with a Starter

Potato, Oatmeal, White,

and Rye with a Starter

Potato, Oatmeal, White, Potato, Oatmeal, White, Potato, Oatmeal, White,

and Rye with a Starter

Potato, Oatmeal, White,

and Rye with a Starter

Potato, Oatmeal, White,

and Rye with a Starter

Potato, Oatmeal, White, Potato, Oatmeal, White, Potato, Oatmeal, White,

and Rye with a Starter

Potato, Oatmeal, White,


aking bread is something people
have practiced for centuries but
have partly forgotten in modern
life. It’s a skill worth relearning for the
pride and joy of putting a lovely loaf on
the table, knowing it was our care and
skill that made this beautiful bread for
family and guests.
When we bake our own bread, we know
what’s in our food. In today’s world of un-
pronounceable ingredients, this is reassur-
ing. We purchase the best flour available
and combine it with only the healthful
ingredients of our choice. The breads we
bake at home have more flavor because we

allow the loaves time to develop, so they
never have that odd processed aftertaste.
We can also save money by baking our
family’s sandwich bread. You can make a
very basic sandwich bread loaf with high-
quality flour for about 70 cents. Adding
organic milk, butter, and eggs will bring
the cost up to nearly $1.50. Even so,
that’s savings.
Expanding into more fancy artisan
breads can yield even more savings. As
home bakers, the entire world of breads
is available to us — we can duplicate the
breads of any culture right in our own
oven and all at a modest cost.
A day spent baking bread is a good
day. Great satisfaction comes with see-

ing loaves out of the oven, cooling on
the rack. The house smells fabulous. For
some, bread baking starts with just a ba-
sic loaf for family sandwiches. Success
can lead to passion — for creating the
perfect artisan loaf, the perfect pizza, the
perfect sticky bun. The more we learn,
the more we want to learn.

Getting Started
I figure, if you’re going to get all the
ingredients out and make a mess, you
might as well bake a lot of bread, es-
pecially on a cold day. I certainly don’t
want to have to wash the bowl in be-
tween! The following recipes include
mixer instructions, but as home bak-
ers have mixed bread for centuries,
you can certainly mix any of these by
hand — which will take longer but will
build your arm strength.
I hope you enjoy the process, fill your
table, and warm your kitchen with
these breads.

By Wendy Akin

Make flavorful sandwich bread out of quality

ingredients to save money and warm a

gathering or just your kitchen for the day.

Above left: Bakers use a bench knife — also called a bench scraper, dough scraper, or pastry scraper — to slice and move dough or scrape a work surface.
Above right: A lame (pronounced “lahm”) is used to slash the dough, allowing it to expand during baking. A very sharp knife or razor blade also works.

bench knife: Fotolia/xxxxxx ; Lame: Stockfood/xxxxxxxxx

p 30-35 Bread 3.indd 31 10/17/16 8:16 AM

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